Chapter 37 - Wedding Night

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Original AN: Phillip is Prince Phillip and Princess Aurora's descendant because I looked up online what time the two would have lived and it was in the 1400s while Cinderella was set to take place sometime in the late 1800s. Phillip was never a planned character - he sort of started talking in my head and I couldn't get him to shut up so he made it into the story. Needless to say, I love him. :)

My own note: Fun fact: I have never finished this chapter in my 2 years of rereading this. Not that I hate it or anything thing, just...... it's too much for me. I am usually just reading for the fluff and not for....... stuff. I am an innocent (ish) minded person that like to kept her mind as innocent as possible.😗

Kit was in ecstasy, plain and simple. The throne room echoed with the claps and cheers of his friends, the nobility, and the visiting royals but all he could see, all he could think about, was the angel in his arms. His darling Ella. Her nose was resting against his, her arms wrapped around his neck, a smile on her face. And then he kissed her again, uncaring of the fact that they were still in front of a massive crowd of royals, nobles, and personal friends. Lifting her into the air, he spun her around a couple of times, his laughter mixing with hers, ringing in his ears. Setting her down, he kissed her a third time before pulling away, his smile nearly splitting his face.

"Ella," he whispered, staring into her eyes, "you are now mine."

She smiled happily, a stray tear softly falling down her cheek. "And you are mine," she whispered.

Knowing that they now had to make an appearance to their people who were waiting outside despite the cold weather, Kit took his darling wife's hand and started to guide her down the red carpet towards the doors, passing the gathered witnesses who were still clapping and cheering. Several of the neighboring royals were good friends and held nothing but happiness and joy for Kit as he caught their eye. Even the Princess Chelina of Zaragoza was beaming at him, happy to see he'd been able to marry for love. He nodded politely to her before turning back to the love of his life. Ella was all smiles.

It was rather surreal when the two of them stepped out of the throne room into the hall, the sounds of the crowd behind them slowly turning from clapping to rousing chatter. Kit quickly pecked his wife on the cheek before gently guiding her down the hall towards the balcony where they were to make their grand entrance to the people.

"I can't believe this is real," Ella whispered, leaning into him.

Kit smiled, circling his thumb over her knuckles. "It's real, my darling. And before we go out to our people, I have a present for you!"

She glanced up at him curiously, her adorable smile lighting up her eyes again. "A present, my dear husband?"

Kit's whole body shivered in delightful pleasure at that one possessive, sweetly spoken word. He never thought he'd be addressed by this title and by the woman who had captured his heart since that fateful day in the woods. His eyes closed in pleasure as he let out a suppressed breath, savoring the word in his memory.


He opened his eyes, grinning at her. "Yes, my darling wife?"

He was pleased to see the word had a similar effect on Ella, her body shivering and an involuntary smile climbing her cheeks. "I love you."

"As I love you," he whispered, kissing her knuckles. "Come." She allowed him to continue down the hall. "I took the liberty of taking these from the Ezzell estate," he said as they drew to the end of the hall.

Ella gasped and her hand covered her mouth. The wall had been painted a lovely sky blue, the base at the bottom paved with white like fluffy clouds. Two large pots containing hundreds of light colored roses stood under four portraits, the frames made of the finest gold. Kit's parents were on the left while Ella's were on the right. The sight even made Kit tear up a little, his heart swelling as he stared at the parents he loved so deeply and the other man and woman who had brought his Ella into the world.

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