Chapter 23 - Lunch with the Royal Guards

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"Kit," Ella breathed. "We're in the throne room."

Kit felt her hands softly pushing against his chest, signifying that it would be wise for them not to continue. He couldn't help himself. His kisses had moved across her jaw line towards her ear. "I love you, Ella," he whispered before lightly pulling on her earlobe with his lips.

Ella gasped, her whole body shivering. That little reaction was exactly what he had been looking for. Smiling, his lips rested against her neck below the ear, kissing the soft spot with delicate tenderness.

"Kit," she whispered again, her hands once more pushing against his chest. "Please stop."

Kit immediately pulled away. Ella sounded nervous. "Ella?" he prompted.

Her dark brown eyes wouldn't meet his, her gaze on her hands which now rested in her lap.

"Have I done something wrong? Do you not want me to kiss you?" Kit asked, bewildered as well as terrified. Did she not desire him?

"No, no, it's not that!" she cried, her eyes immediately leaping up to his. "I love when you kiss me… especially like that."

"Then why did you ask me to stop?" he asked, befuddled.

Ella's adorable face turned a lovely shade of red. "Well, for one, we're in the throne room and I'm sitting in your lap on the throne. Isn't that indecent? And for another… last night…" her hand reached up to the right side of her neck.

Kit thought back on last night when he'd kissed her in the spot she was now holding on to. In the heat of the moment he had gently sucked against her skin. Did she not like that? Is that why she'd stopped him? "Did you not enjoy last night?" he asked unhappily.

"Oh," she breathed, "it was positively thrilling, my love, but…"

Kit sucked in a breath. "What did you just call me?"

Ella blinked. "My love…"

Kit closed his eyes, relishing in how she spoke it with such a caress in her tone. Her love; that's what he was. She'd claimed him. What joy that brought!

"Kit…? Do you not want me to call you that?"

"What?! No, of course I do!" he said hastily, squeezing her a little.

"Oh, good," she breathed, relaxing.

"But, Ella, what about last night is bothering you? Did you not like when I lingered on your neck?" he asked fearful she would say no.

She sighed. "It was one of the best feelings in the world. But… you marked me."

Kit frowned. "Did you not want me to do that?"

"I did," she replied in earnest, "but Prudence saw the mark this morning…"

Kit swallowed. "What was her reaction?"

"She's not happy," Ella admitted. "I fear she will confront you about it. She told me to leave talking to you up to her and I would have but -"

"I tried to give you another," Kit muttered, smacking himself mentally. He had to get control of his emotions! He'd given Ella a love mark without really meaning to. He didn't necessarily regret marking her but there were specific places to perform such tenderness and a window space in the halls and the throne in the throne room were definitely not in that category. "Ella, I'm sorry."

"Don't be," she immediately chided. "I enjoyed it. I would have loved to let you keep going just now but I remembered Prudence from this morning and it kind of spoiled the mood."

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