Chapter 11 - Counseling from a Fairy godmother

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The next morning Kit was slightly distressed for his princess still hadn't come to the castle. He had held a false hope that she would appear during the night and that he would wake to find her waiting for him. Though this wasn't so, he tried to boost his spirits by requesting to meet with the Royal Cordwainer and Alys after breakfast. They at least would have some kind of news for him. As he was about to enter the throne room, someone called, "Your Majesty!"

Kit turned to find the Grand Duke and Captain Alistair rushing towards him. Raising an eyebrow, he asked, "What has the two of you so riled this early?"

"Your Majesty," the Grand Duke repeated, "I'm sorry."

Kit opened his mouth to ask what had distressed the man when he looked down and saw what he was holding. It was the heel of a shoe and it was made of glass. Kit grabbed it immediately.

"Where?" he demanded, gazing upon the broken glass as he spun on his heel and walked into the throne room.

"Abandoned, on the side of the road," the Duke answered, following after him.

"And have you found her?" Kit asked, looking over his shoulder.

"The girl? No, she's disappeared."

Kit's heart constricted. "There must be some reason she vanished!" he thought aloud as he ascended the steps covered in thick red carpet to where his throne sat. "Perhaps she has been prevented from speaking."

"Do not lose heart, Kit," Captain Alistair comforted, sensing his distress.

"On the contrary lose heart and gain wisdom!" The Grand Duke snapped impatiently. Kit glared at him but he pressed on. "The people need to know that the kingdom is secure, that the king has a queen, and the land may have an heir! They want to face the future with certainty!"

"Agreed!" Kit rejoined forcefully, his anger brewing within his breast. "Then let us be certain! I am king! I say we shall seek out the mystery princess! Even if she does not want to be found, I have to see her again."

"But if she's not found, and for the good of the kingdom, you must marry the princess Chelina," the Grand Duke urged. "For the good of the kingdom."

Kit looked down at the broken slipper before turning around to sit on his throne, contemplating the Duke's proposal. It was clear to him that the insufferable man was going to argue his point until his proposal was granted. The only way to pacify his persistence of marriage to the Princess Chelina was to compromise. "Very well, agreed," he said firmly.

"But Your Highness," Captain Alistair interjected.

Kit looked up at him, silently communicating for him to be still for now. The Captain faced forward.

Looking directly at the Grand Duke, Kit firmly commanded, "But you will spare no effort."

"Your Majesty, of course," he breathed, "You have my word."

The Grand Duke inclined his head slightly before turning around and walking away with a satisfied air. Captain Alistair caught Kit's eye again, the latter prompting him to follow the Grand Duke to ensure he kept his promise. They would talk later.

A herald stepped through the door as the Captain exited. "Sire, Master Brom and his apprentice are here."

"Show them in."

Alys, Master Brom's apprentice, was a young girl around the age of fifteen. Her long hair was the color of straw and her eyes reminded Kit of the blue of a clear sky. She carried herself with confidence and walked side by side with her master as the two strode up to the throne. While Master Brom bowed, she curtsied.

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