Chapter 12 - His Secret Venture

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The sun was at its lowest setting in the sky by the time Kit and the rest of the guard reached an inn on the edge of the city called The Nightingale, named so because of the large amount of birds dwelling in the vicinity. It was a quaint little place and Kit was positively delighted when he was treated like one of the soldiers as the innkeeper's wife threatened that if there was any roughhousing they'd be kicked out into the street king's guard or not!

"You can keep your horses in the stalls around in back," she continued, waving her plump hand to the right, "Dinner's already on the table so be quick about it! Oh and if you want to wash up in the morning, the trough's also back there by the horses. Breakfast, eggs and bacon, will be ready at sun up. Your keys are inside on the counter. Joyce will show you to your rooms – and don't any of you think of placing a hand on her or I'll whack you so hard you'll see stars for a year!" With that the rotund lady disappeared back inside.

Victor, one of the soldiers Kit had conversed with the entire way to the inn, turned to him and cleared his throat nervously. "I apologize for the lady's brazen words, Your Majesty."

Several of the soldiers were also shooting Kit nervous glances. Kit, however, burst out laughing, surprising them all. "I like her!" he said happily. "She's got quite a bit of spirit. What was her name again?"

"Beatrice, Your Majesty," Percy answered.

"I shall have to remember her in the future," Kit chuckled, "and gentlemen, please, you mustn't address me so formally. Christopher will do."

"But… Sire, it is rather difficult for us to do such a thing," Victor confessed.

Kit leapt from his horse. "Anything can be done if you've got the determination and will to do it. Now, come on, she did want us to hurry to dinner and I intend not to get any further on the lady's bad side."

Nearly whistling, Kit walked his horse towards the stalls behind the inn. He couldn't ride Tiberius in fear the Grand Duke would recognize the animal so he'd settled for an older male christened Arthur. He had been a little different to ride but the two had been able to communicate rather well halfway to the inn. Kit guided Arthur into an empty stall, tied his bridal, and rubbed his head. "Thank you for bearing with me, my friend," he muttered.

The dark brown horse stared at him with a peaceful demeanor. Kit smiled. He'd always loved horses, ever since he was little, and seemed to have a very good handle on how to care for them. He could tell that Arthur was what one might call a softie if known how to be treated. Kit scratched his dark head once more before following the other soldiers back around the corner. To Kit's slight surprise, the search party they were here to replace stood outside the inn. They must have finished a little early today. Frowning, Kit made sure to conceal himself towards the back of his group.

"Sir Percy, you're early," Captain Alistair said.

"At the King's wishes, sir," Percy replied without a hint of nerves.

"His Majesty didn't have to get involved," the Grand Duke replied as he hopped down from his horse. "We were just about to send for you."

"Forgive me for saying, Your Grace, but our young monarch is rather restless in regards to the search," Percy said while Kit had to hide his smile. The man was playing his part well.

"Be that as it may, we are doing all we can to find the lady," the Grand Duke nearly snapped in frustration. "Do you know how many desperate women we've had to endure in this venture?"

"I am sure the number is quite high, Your Grace," Percy answered.

The Grand Duke shuddered. "I myself will be very glad when this search comes to an end. This is getting ridiculous." And without another word, the Grand Duke entered the inn wearing a rather remarkable scowl.

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