Chapter 3 - A Distracted Prince

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Original Author's Note:
I take no credit for the dialogue from the movie I'm using in this story nor for the tale of Cinderella itself.

The clangs and shouts echoing around the practice room were dull in Kit's ears for his thoughts were occupied with whether or not his maiden had found the roses and the note he'd left for her. It had only been a few hours but he couldn't help wonder if she had already passed through the woods. He thought of her kindness, her goodness, and her vigor. She was so spirited! He longed again to know who she was. Why didn't he press her for a name?

A blade landed against his shoulder, pulling him from his thoughts.

"Wake up Your Royal Highness, you're in a daze," Captain Alistair said.

"I'm sorry," Kit muttered, pulling away from the Captain's rapier resting on his shoulder.

"You've been off since the hunt," the Captain commented, silently knowing the source of Kit's recent behavior.

"It's that wonderful girl!" Kit confirmed. "I can't stop thinking about her."

"Well there are plenty of girls," the Captain teased.

"But her… spirit! Her goodness!"

"You don't suppose she has a sister, do you?" Captain Alistair interrupted teasingly as the two began to walk away from the practice room.

Kit chuckled. "I don't know. I don't know anything about her."

"Perhaps your mystery girl may come to the ball. That is why you threw the doors open, is it not?"

"Captain, it was for the benefit of the people," Kit chided though he knew the Captain wasn't fooled. He pulled off his white glove, handing it to a servant flanking his right.

"Of course… how shallow of me," Captain Alistair inwardly smiled while drying his brow with a towel he'd removed from the arm of a servant walking silently beside him.

"And if she comes then what?" Kit asked, unable to stop himself from seeking his dear friend's guidance.

"Then you will tell her you're a prince and a prince may take whichever bride he wishes."

Kit removed the towel from his servant's arm and then scoffed, "Ha!"


"Yes, ha!" Kit repeated while wiping his forehead with the towel. "You know my father and the Grand Duke will only have me marry a princess."

Captain Alistair sensed the hidden distress beneath the prince's words. Trying to encourage him, he said, "Well, if this girl from the forest is as charming as you say, it may change their minds."

"That is my hope," Kit muttered. "My father is very concerned about mine and the kingdom's safety."

"He merely wants to make sure you are taken care of," Captain Alistair said as the two continued wandering down the hall in their gray fencing uniforms.

"This I know," Kit sighed, coming to a halt at the end of the hall.

Captain Alistair stopped next to him, smiling understandingly. "If I may be so bold to say, Your Highness, I think that in time, your father will soften his view and lean in favor to where your heart currently lies."

Kit glanced at him. "Am I that obvious?"

Captain Alistair let out a hearty laugh, this act telling Kit the answer was yes, he was. "Don't be upset, Sire, it is wonderful to see that you are in love," the Captain said gently.

Kit smiled despite himself. "I never thought I ever would be."

"It often happens when you least expect it."

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