Chapter 10

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Ezekiel's POV:

*the next morning*

I wake up surprised, my hangover isn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Although I guess it's a good sign that I can remember most of last night. Groaning and covering my face as I remember the conversation with Aven. He is so sweet, and I was so awkward. I got all insecure in front of him, but he was so nice about it.

It's a shame he's straight.

Groaning again when I remember making him carry me, why am I like this?!

I hope he doesn't think I'm too much of a weirdo.

I make my way to the kitchen Bailey will appreciate some breakfast.

As I'm making the pancakes, I hear Bailey's voice down the hall, "Good morning My Love!"

Well she's hungover. "What time did you get home?"

"Well Aven came back to meet us to make sure we were ok and decided to take me home because he knew where to go, very nice guy he is, fought a guy who was trying to-" her story is interrupted by a yawn, "-have his way with me on the dance floor."

"He is a very nice guy," I mutter under my breath feeling my cheeks heat up again, "and when was that?"

"Well when he was walking me into the house it was like 2am I think?"

"Ok, that's not too bad, only an hour after me. Anyway, get some breakfast in you," I say putting a plate of pancakes in front of us at the counter. She gets out all the toppings while I cut up some fruit.

"So, lover boy, how was your time alone with Mr Hot CEO?"

"oh, shut up and eat your breakfast."

In response to this, she throws her head back in laughter. The instant regret is obvious when she groans and holds her head in her hands. This makes me laugh just as hard as she did, thanking myself for not drinking as much as Bailey last night.

We sit and chat about nothing while we eat breakfast, I give Bailey some painkillers for her hangover.

Checking the time and jumping up when I see it's 10:30. I was meant to get an email at 10. I pretty much run to the study room to check my computer for an email.

'Ezekiel Morrow, the team at Earth Energy are proud to accept you for the position of assistant to Mr Thornton. You will begin training and working Monday at 8am.'

I scream, and I'm sure the neighbours are confused. Bailey runs into the room checking to see if I'm dead. All she sees is me doing my happy dance. I grab her hands and drag her into dancing with me. "I got the job! I got the assistant job!"

"Oh my god! I'm so proud of you! I knew you could do it"

She hugs me tight and I don't even care that I can't breathe I'm so excited.

I lean back over to the computer to read the rest of the email, Skim reading a few details

'your uniform is smart clothing, no t-shirts, shorts or open shoes. You must support environmentally friendly businesses, events, charities and services to uphold our company reputation.'

The email keeps going on, but I flag it to remind myself to read it in more detail later, right now I need to go get new clothes to wear.

Luckily some of my favourite brands are already sustainable, environmentally friendly companies, I would hate to get rid of them.

"Shopping shall begin in an hour, if you are not ready, you will not be attending," I say to Bailey, practicing my 'business talk'.

This makes both of us burst into more laughter.

After calling Anne and giving her the good news, I give dad a phone call to let him know I got a new job. He offered to help me shop for clothes but decided to just transfer me some money despite my protests. His excuse was that he's so proud of me and feels bad that he can't celebrate, so instead he will give me money for clothes and buy every magazine that I end up on with Aven.

Hanging up on him with a big smile on my face. I'm lucky dad still talks to me mum has tried to cut of his connection with me multiple times.

When I came out at 18 and mum kicked me out, dad decided he had to make an extra effort to remind me how much he loves me and regrets not fighting more for me to stay at home. We both agreed it was safer for me to move out anyway. Dad moved out of home for a month in protest, but I told him to go home, he still loves mum and I don't want him to feel guilty. They've loved each other for a very long time but mum only loved me for 18 years, and dad has been loving me for all 22.

I can't wait to hear about what mum does when he frames the magazines with me on them, maybe mum will be proud that I got such an amazing position.

I was so lucky I had Bailey and her family when I got kicked out, they helped us to buy a place together, they hated the idea of us having to struggle to pay rent together so now this house is ours. And when we sell it, we agreed to give the money back to her parents. Bailey hates people knowing she's rich, she managed to hide it most of our school lives so she could make real friends who didn't just want her money. But when people found out she decided to just have the two of us. We've been friends since the very beginning, our parents were friends and tried to force us to be friends. At the start Bailey didn't like me much, she said I cry too much and I cuddle her too much. But eventually we became closer than siblings. When I came out to her, I was terrified I would lose my sister, but she already knew long before I did. We've lived together since we were both 18.

And now here we are, 22 years old, getting in the car to buy clothes for my new job.

Both of us working the jobs of our dreams. She wanted to make a difference to people and help them, so she became a nurse. I wanted to work towards changing the world and do something to do with owning or working in business so now I'm the assistant to the CEO of a company trying to make the world a more sustainable and environmentally friendly place.

If you told me 5 years ago this is where I would be, I wouldn't believe you. Who knows where my life is heading next, what crazy thing will happen next?

Parking the car, we both walk towards my favourite formal wear shop, Onyx. I will only be able to get one or two sets from here because it's a bit more expensive, but the sustainable ones always are, especially if they want to pay their workers a living wage. Which is why I like to support them.

And the shopping begins.

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