Chapter 14

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Ezekiel's POV:

"Honey I'm home!" I yell out to Bailey as I take off my coat.

"Bailey?" I call out when there's no response, her car is outside so she should be home. I don't remember her saying that she wouldn't be home. I go to the kitchen looking for a note.

I find a note on the fridge, 'hey hon, I hope you had a good day at work. Sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but I got called in for a double shift at the hospital, I probably won't see you until tomorrow afternoon. Don't wait up for me please, I will let you know when I get home safely and I hope you are asleep by then. Love you Zeke, have a good night xx.'

A big frown settles on my face. I'm glad she's working, she loves her job, but I miss her when I haven't seen her all day. I sit at the kitchen counter, what do I do now?

I won't be able to sleep until I know Bailey is home safe either.

I make myself some dinner, leftover spaghetti and bolognaise, and sit on the couch deciding to watch a movie.

'Tangled' starts playing and a smile settles on my face, this is one of Bailey's favourites.

It's not like she never does double shifts, I should be used to it by now. But I can't help it, home feels empty without Bailey here.

*time skip- 2am*

"Hey Zeke," I hear Bailey whisper.

I must've fallen asleep on the couch.

"Bailey," I say, a big smile on my face. I reach out my arms, making 'grabby hands' at her. She laughs quietly before leaning down to give me a cuddle.

"Carry me to bed?" I ask while she's cuddling me.

She laughs again before picking me up, making her way to my room carrying me bridal style. I always get so surprised when she can pick me up. She's only 5'6, while I'm 5'5. But she manages to pick me up with ease every time.

"I thought I told you to be asleep when I get home."

"Well, technically I was."

She smacks my arm lightly, "you know what I meant."

"And you know I can't sleep in an empty house."

"Zeke," she says her tone sounding sad.

"No, Bails, don't feel bad. I'm just being a baby," I assure her, knowing she feels bad.

"I could've at least let you know earlier, and you could've invited someone over or go somewhere."

"You know it's not the same," I say, "I feel safe with you."

"I can't be the only one who makes you feel safe."

"I hope one day there might be someone else."

"I know there will be someone," she says putting me down on the bed.

She gives me a kiss and tucks me in like the baby I am, "Love you Zeke."

"Love you too Bails, have a good sleep."

*time skip- after work the next day*

"Zeke!" Bailey yells as I walk into the house.

"Hi," I laugh as she jumps into my arms.

"How was work?"

"Good, we work really well together."

"Oh, really?" Bailey laughs.

"Me and the whole team I mean. Sandra, Leanne, Caylen, Aven and I."

"Oh, sure that's what you meant."

"Stop!" I say trying to hide my blush, "Fine, Aven and I work really well together, it's good. What's the big deal?"

I can feel the heat spread over my whole face.

"Well, my darling Zeke, for starters you're blushing like crazy," she laughs, "and also the fact that you are enjoying working with your celebrity crush."

"So what if he was my celebrity crush. He's actually a really good guy and we get along well."

"Well, I'm just glad you are enjoying work."

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, I'm going away on the 3rd of July for a week. We have a business trip to London. I would invite you, but we booked for four people and Leanne and Sandra have to come. Sorry."

"Don't apologise that's so exciting." She smiles at me.

"Don't get any idea miss, it's just a business trip."

"I wasn't thinking anything," she puts her hands up in defence, "maybe I was a little bit," she admits when I raise an eyebrow at her.

After a long pause she decides to voice some of those thoughts, "are you sharing a room?"

"Bailey!" I slap her arm, "I wouldn't think so. Leanne and Sandra will but Aven and I would be separate."

"Ok ok, you don't need to slap me. I was just wondering if we need to go shopping for cute underwear or something."

"Bailey!" I slap her again. Feeling the heat return to my cheeks, blushing at the thought of him even seeing me. "He is straight!"

"I disagree, especially after seeing him with you that night."

"He's been with girls before, and no guys. Maybe he's bi but no one has ever seen him with a guy before."

"Maybe he hasn't met the right guy yet," Bailey winks at me.

"Don't be silly, I am definitely not his type even if he does like guys."

"You haven't seen the way he looks at you."

"Yes I have, I'm the one he's looking at."

"Well, then you're even more oblivious than I thought."

"I'm done with this conversation. I like him, as a friend, and I like working with him and that is all."

"Okay," Bailey says, dragging out the 'y'.

Bailey is being ridiculous. Aven would never like a guy like me. He could probably get any guy or girl, so he wouldn't even consider lowering his standards for someone like me.

I chuckle quietly to myself at Bailey's words, what does she even mean by 'the way he looks at me'?

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