Chapter 30

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Aven's pov

As I check my outfit one last time in the mirror, still grumbling like a toddler who wasn't allowed to buy another toy, I turn to Ezekiel and gesture for him to check how I look.

"All black is always a good choice," He almost whispers, looking me up and down, "you look so good."

He gets up from the edge of the bed and makes his way over to me to roll my sleeves up for me, "I might not be able to resist at the dinner," he looks up to me, God he's beautiful, "the reports will go crazy," he laughs, "CEO confirms relationship with beautiful redhead, his assistant can't keep his hands off of him," he says dramatically.

We both laugh, I'm glad he can laugh about the situation, I wouldn't know what to do with myself if he had to leave me because of my dad.

"Well, we better start leaving," I say reluctantly, "wouldn't want to be late and gay," I laugh.

Ezekiel throws his head back in laughter and it brings the smile back to my face, that is my favourite sound.

"At least your father told you who you're set up with," he complains, "I'm meeting some mystery boy or maybe even a girl on the same night I'm meeting your parents properly."

He looks at me and sticks his bottom lip out, I laugh at how ridiculous and adorable he looks, "do you need me to kiss away that frown?" I ask, moving closer to him.

"Yes," he laughs making the frown even more dramatic.

"You're ridiculous," I laugh, kissing him softly, my hands finding their way to his hips to pull him in closer.

His hands tangle through my hair, I think I could stay like this forever.

I pull away but keep holding him, "I think I'll be the one that can't resist at the dinner tonight," I whisper, not even trying to hide the way my eyes trace down his body then back up to his face, "the headline will be hilarious, 'CEO confirms relationship with mystery red head, caught making out with hot assistant after their first public date!' my dad would hate it." We both laugh.

"My dad would probably frame it," Ezekiel laughs even louder.

We head out to the car and Robert is already waiting with the door open, "good evening you two, hope I'm not interrupting anything," he looks at my hair then down at our joined hands.

"I hope you've still got my comb and gel in the car," I laugh, not even bothering to confirm or deny his suspicions. He definitely already knows.

"Where are we off to this evening?" I ask while Ezekiel fixes my hair.

"Your mother booked 'Tempura Guru', she thought everyone would like sushi."

"I hope my outfit suits the occasion," Ezekiel worries, looking down at his feet.

I look down at his dark green button up and tan suit pants.

"Z, you look incredible," I whisper, lifting his chin to look at me, smiling when his eyes meet mine.

"Says Mr Hot CEO," he grins.

"Nope, I've already assigned you the role of the Hot Assistant," I announce proudly, "I've got the title of 'heartless man-whore who is too rich and can't commit to anyone," I try to laugh off.

His frown tells me he doesn't find it funny, "You're none of those things."

"You don't think I'm rich," I send my cheesiest grin his way.

"Well obviously," he laughs gesturing to the car we're in, "but I don't like those other titles," he frowns again.

"It's ok, my love, I've learned to laugh it off by now," I try to make him smile again, "don't make me kiss that frown away again," I lean in to whisper.

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