Chapter 27

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Aven's POV:

It's really nice to see Ezekiel and Bailey spending time together, they haven't been able to see each other as much recently with both of them working so much.

"We should go join them!" Caylen yells coming into the living room, already in his swim trunks.

"Or we could let them have some quality time together?" I say as more of a question, glaring at him slightly.

"They've had over an hour of 'quality time', they'd surely be missing us by now."

"Caylen," Leanne says in her stern 'mum voice', making me chuckle.

He frowns making Sandra get up from the lounge and gently putting her hand on his shoulder, "they look like they're having a serious conversation right now, but we can all get dressed so when they're playing around, we can join them," she says softly, smiling, "how does that sound?"

Sandra being the soft mum makes me smile.

I get up from the lounge making my way to my room, "I suppose I'll join you then."

By the time I'm downstairs Caylen is heading out the door, the rest of us following after him. I really hope we don't interrupt an important conversation.

My concerns are thrown out the window when I see Ezekiel getting thrown under water and we all take this opportunity to surprise him. By jumping in right next to him when he's not looking.

His laughter he lets out when he sees it's us makes all of us laugh along with him and we all end up just splashing each other.

The smile on my face is making my cheeks ache, I love seeing him this happy. But my smile drops almost instantly when Caylen drags him away and they have their own game of splash wars.

It makes me feels worse that Ezekiel is laughing just as much, I want to be the one to make him laugh like that.

Caylen pulls him under water and when he comes back up Ezekiel jumps on him, his attempt to drown Caylen fails when Caylen just catches him.

They're too close together, I don't like it.

I start to make my way over when they start talking quietly to each other and when I'm close enough to hear Caylen say, "you look hot when you're all wet like this," it makes me want to punch him.

I wait to hear Ezekiel's response, he didn't even blush that much, not like when I compliment him. I guess the difference is how genuine the compliment is.

"Um," he moves out of Caylen's arms and now I'm basically right behind him, "I think you're mistaken. I'm not really the 'hot' type of guy, I'm more of a 'cute' you know,"

"Or beautiful," I whisper.

He turns around shocked and that deep red colour I love spreads across his face and neck. He slaps my shoulder and I hold the spot pretending to be offended.

I lean in close to him again, "I do love that colour on you."

Ezekiel pauses, looking confused, but then he covers his cheeks a moment later.

This time when he goes to smack my arm, I catch his hand and pull him in, "you are hot though, and beautiful and just very nice to look at in general."

"Shut up, you're the hot one in this relationship."

The word relationship makes my heart flutter a little, and the compliment making my cheeks heat up. Bless my tan complexion for hiding it.

I smirk when I realise how close we are after I pulled him in, and also when I remember he's just left Caylen hanging.

That's what he gets for attempting to flirt with Ezekiel.

I smile even more when he starts checking me out, his eyes moving across all the features on my face and travelling down my body. I feel almost self-conscious but I also take the time to check him out.

He really is beautiful, his features on his face are just so perfectly placed.

And his body.

I want to put my hands on his hips and feel the curve of his love handles and the arch of his lower back.

Maybe even his ass.

"Hey lovebirds, stop eye-fucking and join us!" Leanne yells.

Her interruption makes me all flustered when I realise what I was thinking about.

Since when did I think of him like that?

Ezekiel slaps my shoulder again when I chuckle and I catch his hand pulling him even closer, our noses would touch at the slightest movement.

"You're still the most beautiful person I've ever met," I whisper, looking directly into his eyes, only briefly glancing at his lips when he looks at my own.

"And you're still the most attractive guy and everything I would ever want in a man," he whispers back, his whole face flushed red again.

Caylen whacks the back of my head and if it weren't for me being used to it and having good reflexes we would've head-butted.

Or something else.

I wonder if Ezekiel gets the same fluttery feeling in his stomach at the thought of it.

Ezekiel's POV:

I'd love to get to know these butterflies who seem to have made their new home my stomach.

I don't know if Aven is doing it on purpose but as soon as he walked over and interrupted Caylen, it was like they never went away, they only got stronger.

I wish I had the courage to just kiss him or do anything. But not like that and not in front of everyone.

Would he kiss me back? The butterflies flutter even more at the thought of it.

But as we go over to our friends and talk and laugh, I realise that as much as I want him, and I think I really do, I would be happy staying friends. I'm so grateful for the connection we've formed, and I would be glad to keep it at that if we had to. 

A/N hey gang sorry its been so long since i updated life has been a bit crazy recently, but welcome back! and if you're new here hi! welcome! thanks for joining<3

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