Chapter 9

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Aven's POV:

I should've gotten to him quicker. Maybe I could've stopped it before the tears fell. I'm just glad I was there because none of the asshats around him were going to do anything about it.

I was so glad he was ok I just hope I didn't scare him.

When he hugged me, it felt right to have him in my arms again. His head tucked in my neck and my arms around his waist fit like a puzzle piece, like we were meant to find each other.

Not in that way though, because I'm straight.

His little giggle when I gave him advice is one of my new favourite sounds, nearly as good as his full laugh.

His friend Bailey is great.

For some weird reason I felt relieved to discover they're just best friends, not sure why that would be though.

All of us get along really well and it's really nice to be having fun with such an amazing group of people.

I'm glad Caylen and I decided to not drink, despite their protests, because they are very drunk and there are a few eyes on them that I do not appreciate.

"Hey Zeke, you look hot!" Bailey yells over the music at him while he's dancing. He doesn't even notice her yelling and Leanne and Sandra's agreement. He just keeps dancing.

She's right.

Not that I find him hot or anything, but he looks hot in the outfit and when he's dancing like that.

"Hey Aven!" He yells at me. I nod my head in response to let him know I'm listening.

He obviously can't tell that I nodded because he moved closer to me to talk in my ear instead.

His close proximity making me nervous for some reason.

"Aven, can you take me home please?"

"What about Bailey?"

"She's having too much fun and Caylen can bring her home, I just really need to go home."

I can't say no to him. "alright, I'll just let them know."

"Hey Caylen!" I yell over the music. He looks up at me, so I know he heard me, "I'm taking Ezekiel home, can you take Bailey when you go?"

He agrees and Ezekiel excitedly jumps and grabs my arm. He looks around at the people surrounding us, only just noticing them now. I don't think he wants me to see that he is as worried as he is, but I can tell. He's not very good at hiding expressions, especially when he's drunk.

As soon as we walk out, I take a deep breath of fresh air, as fun as it was, I don't like the stuffy, crowded environment.

Leading Ezekiel to my car, who still hasn't let go of my arm, laughing slightly at his expression when he sees my car. The sleek design obviously looking fancier than any car he's been in.

My car is one of our first models of cars that use a combination of regular and solar power, we are still trying to work out a way to make it as environmentally friendly as we can. That's why they're not released to the public yet.

He giggles when I open the door for him, making me smile again. For someone with a reputation of never smiling, I seem to smile around him a lot.

Getting into the car on my side I'm met with one of the biggest smiles I've seen from him, it's one of my favourites.

"Thank you so much for taking me home, I didn't like all the people around us."

"You don't need to thank me, of course I would take you home."

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