Chapter 26

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Aven's POV:

I pick up Ezekiel and carry him to my bed, deciding it was better to let Bailey have her own space in their bed, all of them falling asleep on the couches after a wild fun night.

He groans lightly when I put him down and his eyes flutter open.

"Hey, you're ok you're just in my bed my love," I say quietly hoping he'll just go back to sleep.

"Stay," he says, "please," his voice cracking slightly when he says it.

I smile softly and get in on the other side.

He giggles lightly and shuffles over to cuddle into me making me chuckle.

"You comfy?" I laugh.

"yep, you're warm and you smell good," he says without hesitation.

"I'm glad," I laugh again, pulling him closer into me and closing my eyes, already feeling more comfortable with him in my arms again.

"Goodnight V."

"Night Z."

Ezekiel's POV

*time skip- the morning after*

I wake up to the familiar comfort of Aven and snuggle closer into him, I love being in his arms.

"Morning Z," he says, his low morning voice sends shivers down my spine.

"Good morning," I grumble, not sound nearly as happy to be awake as he does.

"Can't believe we only have today left here and then we have to go back home."

"I'm already looking forward to the Italy trip."

"We get to stay on my family's boat for the two weeks too, I haven't been on it in forever."

"That's exciting," I say adjusting so I can see his face, "I've never slept on a boat before."


"Yeah, I don't even think I've even been on a boat now that I think about it."

"Well, I will be your best boat guide then."

"My what?" I laugh.

"Your boat guide," he says again, completely serious.

"Ok V," I say, still giggling slightly.

"I guess we should go downstairs we know what Bailey's like," he says, glancing at the clock.

"I suppose it is 9 o'clock, but you're just so comfy," I say, cuddling into him further.

"Z, we can't go downstairs if you keep hanging on to me."

"Shame," I say as I shut my eyes, giving his chest a light peck signalling that I'm not going anywhere.

He chuckles in response to this and wraps his arms around me tighter, pulling me in closer if that's even possible.

I manage to drift back to sleep, enjoying the comfort of Aven's warmth maybe a little too much.

If I could spend the rest of my life in one place it would be with Aven.

After about half an hour he moves to get up again, waking me up and making me let out a childish groan when they don't get what they want.

He just chuckles and kisses the top of my hair, "we have to get up my love."

After another whine I look up at him, putting on my best puppy face, "five more minutes?"

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