Chapter 5

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Aven's POV:

I catch myself smiling as I hear a familiar laugh nearby. The smile quickly fades when I remember I'm in public.

Hearing his laugh get closer I start to wonder what he's doing out so late, which a smile like that along with his hair and face someone may just like it too much and want it all for themselves.

I stand up instinctively, I need to make sure he's ok or not alone. I start walking out of the restaurant, my mind not even thinking what I will say to him or my friends at the table, all I can think is if he's ok.

I feel my arm being held back and force me to stop walking.

"What the hell are you doing A-Rod?!" My brothers voice brings me out of whatever trance I was in.

"I don't know, I think I just needed some air." I say looking down, not being able to come up with a better excuse under pressure.

"Well you could've told us instead of just storming out." He says, dragging me back to the table.

I slump into my seat. At least I get to see him again tomorrow. I'm about to finally look back at the table and move on from my hopeless search for him when he walks through the door with a girl.

It shouldn't make me this mad to see him this close with a girl, I shouldn't be mad that she gets to be the reason he's smiling and laughing like that. I mean of course he has a girlfriend; he is cute. His hair, freckles, pale face, cheeks that flush pink so easily, his eyes that shut when he smiles too wide, his smile and that laugh. Who wouldn't want him?

I mean obviously not me. I'm straight, and he's obviously not into guys anyway.

He has a full black outfit on which looks incredible on him, the pants clinging slightly to his legs and behind.

Not that I'm checking out his butt or anything.

And he's wearing light blue suspenders. normally I would laugh at someone wearing them, but they look so good on him.

My outfit looks so bland compared to him. My white button up and navy suit pants don't look nearly as good on me as they would on him.

I resist the urge to go see him, what would he think of me?

"Earth to Aven!" Leanne's voice finally reaches my ears.

"What?" I say, sounding slightly grumpy that they made me stop looking at him.

I join in the conversation with the group, managing to not look at him the whole meal, as hard as it is.

Ok maybe I glanced over a few times, who can ignore his contagious laugh, and his adorable face, and beautiful smile.

I get up after my meal to go to the bathroom, his laugh almost echoing around the room, forcing a smile to my face as I sneak another glance at him.

Ezekiel's POV:

"And then I freaked out and asked him about his dog!" Bailey laughs, telling me her failed attempt at asking out the co-worker she likes.

"I thought he had a cat?" I ask

"Exactly! That's the worst part!" she exclaims.

Neither of us can contain our laughter as we're walking towards the restaurant, not caring that we're out on the street. We stumble up the entrance stairs, still giggling to ourselves.

I push her slightly to get her to quieten down so we can find our table and she pushes me a lot harder, causing more laughter to erupt from both of us as I stumble back.

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