Chapter 19

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Aven's POV:

I've never been good at truth or dare. It's a game that you can't lose but I seem to somehow lose every time I play.

Bailey starts the game off easy, asking Caylen about the rumours she's heard about his sexuality.

Which Caylen responds to calmly, "they're not rumours, I'm bi." He used to get fired up by it, but he knows she's just asking out of curiosity.

"On the track of sexuality," Caylen grins, this can't be good, "Ezekiel, truth or dare?"

Ezekiel chuckles, his face lighting up and I have to force the smile away from my face, "what do I have to do with the topic sexuality? Truth."

"What is your sexuality and relationship status at the moment," Caylen winks at a still grinning Ezekiel.

My hand instinctively ball into fists, what the hell does he think he's doing, "Caylen, only one question." I say, hoping he catches my anger in the tone of my voice.

His shrug tells me he didn't, idiot.

Ezekiel did though, he takes one of my hands and unwraps my fingers, holding it in his own. "V, it's ok, it's just a game," he whispers.

I squeeze his hand lightly and look into his eyes, "I know Z, I just don't want him to cross any lines and make you uncomfortable."

Ezekiel smiles lightly, looking back into my eyes, "and I'm grateful for that, but I'll let you know if I'm not ok with any questions."

I nod before both of us look back at Caylen, his stupid grin hasn't faulted.

"Well, just in case I didn't make it clear enough in my application, I'm gay," he chuckles, and I smile at the memory of his paragraph, "and as for relationships, I'm definitely single, have been for too many years."

All of us chuckle at his last comment, the two of us look at each other and a happy feeling bubbles in my chest at the smile that he's giving me and only me. 

"That application was one of my best ideas yet," Bailey comments.

We all look over to her, my eyes lingering on Ezekiel for a little while longer before dragging my eyes to Bailey.

"Yep, you can all bow down to me, it was my idea for Ezekiel to apply," she laughs, "I suppose you all want an explanation."

She tells us the story of how her and Ezekiel got drunk playing truth or drink and she convinced him to write an application in his drunken state, obviously leaving out a few details each time Ezekiel slapped her leg leaving us to wonder what the rest of the night was like.

While we're all laughing Ezekiel smiles, leaning over to me, hand still in mine, "applying to Earth Energy has been one of the best decisions I've ever made."

A bright smile makes its way onto my face, "I think drunk Ezekiel is becoming one of my favourite people," I whisper to him.

A shade of pink spreads on his cheeks at the memory of our other encounters with drunk Ezekiel. I smile at the memory of him in my arms, wanting to hold him again.

"Alright moving on with the game then," Bailey announces, bringing Ezekiel and I out of our little world.

"It's Ezekiel's turn to ask a question," Caylen turns to him with that stupid grin on his face again, "but before you do," he continues, "maybe we should get some drinks and then we can meet drunk Ezekiel again?"

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