Chapter Twenty Four- insert song name here-

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"Okay, okay- one more!" I snickered, rolling a grape around in my hand. Sasuke squinted up his eyes, trying to frown at me, but it quickly creased into a smile.

"Fine..." he gave in, opening his mouth wide. I closed one eye qnd aimed, then threw- only for it to bounce off his nose. I laughed out loud, and he smirked.

"You have terrible aim." he teased, and I scowled at him.

"No way man! I so aimed for your nose, don't lie!" I exclaimed, and he rose an eyebrow and folded his arms.

"So you aimed to hit me in the face with a grape?" I nodded stubbornly, and he chuckled. Next thing I knew, I was pinned into the grass. "You're such a bully. I think it's payback time."

He started to tickle me, and I squealed, rolling over, and using all four of my limbs to push myself away. I froze, and Sasuke leaned back off of me.

I lifted my two legs slowly, then quickly sat up, happiness at the regained ability to move both of my legs draining away in terror at the sight before me. Sand, creeping up Sasuke's legs while he stared at it, speechless in horror. I tried to scream and reach for him, but my body wouldn't move. And then, dark, long creatures slithered up around his neck, fangs gleaming with red blood and scales glistening in the sunlight...

I bolted up with a loud shriek, cradling myself and breathing loudly.

"Ohmygod..." I panted, drawing in deep, shaky breaths, trying to push the crawling of my skin to the back of my mind. Two things that I absolutely loathed taking away one of my most precious things... the second, those reptilian vermin, being something that I've been terrified of for years..

I frowned and distracted myself with the sight of Kiba, laying unconscious in front of me, and at once realised what had happened. That damn bastard Kabuto...

I punched Kiba awake and yanked myself into standing position using the row of chairs in front of me. My leg gave out, and I fell over them, into the lap of a random stranger.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, blushing, but the person said nothing. I looked up at him, then tapped his cheek. He was asleep... I looked along the rows. Everyone was. Which made sense, as it was awfully quiet, except for the sounds of battle... but more than one battle.

"Sachi, look out-!" Kiba's voice cut off and I heard a clash and a groan right in front of me, and turned to see Kakashi-sensei, in a protective stance, kunai in hand.

"Sensei..?" I asked, puzzled, "What's going on..?"

"The Sand village has launched a surprise attack on the Leaf with the Sound village." he said lowly, kicking another guy in the face and knocking him out cold. I couldn't help but notice that my lip twitched upwards at the ease with which Kakashi took that guy down. "What happened to you? Genjutsu doesn't usually work on you because of..."

I frowned at him, but didn't bother to ask how he knew that if I didn't, instead answering his question, "I was knocked out by that asshopper Kabuto. He was pretending to be an ANBU."

"Right." Kakashi knocked out yet another Sand shinobi, chuckling as he caught sight of how I was biting my lips to keep from laughing. "You're such a violent child."

I shrugged, grinned, then glanced around him to the battlefield. I scanned the area, and my smile fell. "Where are Sasuke and Naruto?" I quickly tacked Naruto's name on the end so as not to arouse suspicion in Kakashi.

"They went after Gaara." he said, and before I could scream at him he cut me off, "Don't even think about it! In your condition, it's safer for you away from that fight." he cut me off again before I could protest, "Don't make me tie you up."

Tomorrow Blossom (Sasuke Uchiha) - Book One - Trade MistakesWhere stories live. Discover now