Chapter Ten - Time To Dance

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Chapter Ten - Time To Dance

Otherwise known as

Chapter Ten- There's an invisible boy in my bed! Oh, no, it's just Sasuke... Wait, what?!


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My legs feel weird... and my back hurts... still...

Stupid team, leaving me out the night before to sleep in the kitchen... I was still in pain, from that, as I was waking up the next morning!

I tried to roll over to get more comfortable, but something held me fast. I pushed against it a bit, but all it did was hold me tighter. I frowned and opened my eyes, then turned immediately red at the extremely close-up sight of a certain Uchiha's (bare) chest. Fuck my life...

I stopped still to think what I should do, not moving for a moment. Sasuke seemed to be still asleep, but he was strong enough that I couldn't escape his grip without him waking up. But, at the same time, he would probably wake up soon anyway, since he was usually an early riser. And of course, just going back to sleep again was out of the question- although, I could just pretend that I never woke up and realised, then he wouldn't be able to blame me for this unfortunate mishap. Plus, I was really tired, and he was really warm... even if he was a Shady, Closet-pervert Uchiha.

My back made a clicking sound that made me cringe as I attempted to move a little, and a not-so-subtle flare of pain ran up my spine. I winced. Okay, um OW. Yep, I definitely couldn't stay in this position- unless I wanted to be a cripple for the rest of my life. And, while having a wheelchair would be awesome (since I could run people over in it), it would not be too good for my ninja career.

Now, the question was, do I do the sensible thing, and wake up the Uchiha so that he would let me go, but embarass us both in the mean time... or, do I attempt to escape on my own, without waking him up?

I chose the latter, of course, with some devastating results.

I was in the middle of rolling us over in the hopes that he would let go on the way, and I ended up slipping and almost kneeing him hard in the crotch. Obviously, I managed to stop my traitor knee before it could hit home (if I was going to ever knee him in the crotch, I didn't want it to be under these circumstances), but his eyes snapped open.

We just stared at each other, red-faced, for an immeasurable amount of time, saying nothing. Well, this was awkward...

A shrill scream rang through the room. Guess it wasn't as early as I thought...

I was quickly torn off of Sasuke before I could get off of my own accord, and Sakura stood between me and the still red-faced boy, glaring hard at me with utter fury in her eyes.


A snort escaped before I could squash it- come on, what she said did sound REALLY weird- and she screamed in anger, launching herself at me. She grabbed my hair right at the roots with one hand as she made impact, knocking us both to the floor, and tore at my clothes and face with the other, while I shrieked in pain.

"OW!! HEY SAKURA YOU COW, GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!!" I screeched, grabbing her hair and rolling us over so that I was on top. She kicked me off of her, and I stumbled, but managed to keep my balance. But before I could collect myself, something smacked into my cheek, flinging me back against the wall of the small room. I slumped to the floor.

"Oww..." That really hurt my already fucked-up spine, you whore!! "That fucking hurt-!" I cut off with a wince as the movement of my mouth made me aware of my split lip, and something warm and wet rolled down to my chin. Sakura smirked, and Sasuke looked shocked as I wiped it away, but my vision seemed to pulse in time with my heart, just once, as I saw the red liquid on my hand.

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