Chapter Thirty: The End and The Beginning (FINAL CHAPTER!! :D)

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Wow, 30 chapters already! I'd just like to than you guys for sticking with this story all the way through, despite my fluctuation between good quality writing and piles of dog poo on a computer screen, but it's been a fun ride, hasn't it? Aw, I'm all sad. I really enjoyed writing this story-but the sequel is where it's gonna get real interesting!

Well, final chapter ahoy! And let me tell you, Sachi is going out with a bang... but no, Deidara is not involved. :D

Read on, my darling viewererers!! I love you all like I love chips an icing sugar! (it's actually kinda yummy :P)

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It was a stormy day, for once, in Suna. From what I was told, it was very rare at this time of year. In some ways, I was glad- it meant I wouldn't feel so excruciatingly hot on the journey home. In others, the pounding rain weighed down my mood even further- I was dreading returning to the Leaf village, and to my cold, empty house. My cold empty house that was stocked contradictively full- with memories. Unpleasantly pleasant memories.

I didn't expect anyone to see me off- I had learned that people who lived in such intense, dry heat really hated the rain- so was surprised to see the three siblings who I had grown fond of over the last few days waiting by the gate. Temari and Kankuro were both soaked through, while Gaara- cleverly- had remembered an umbrella. I smiled sheepishly, I was sodden too. It was growing difficult to keep a decent grip on my crutch.

"I'm gonna miss you, Midget." Kankuro said with a wry smile. For some reason, the word didn't bother me like it used to. I grinned, my friendship with Kankuro, despite our initial meeting, had formed fast. I guess I just make friends easily.

"Yeah, same to you, Neko." I retorted, and was squeezed in a hug by Temari- which was weird, since she wasn't really a huggy person.

"You write, okay? Or I'll come to Konoha and kick your ass." she said seriously, and I laughed.

"Yeah, yeah." I broke from her embrace, and focused on Gaara, stood a ways away from the group. I jerked my head in a gesture for him to join us, but he just stared at me, so I went over to him.

"You all look after each other. They love you, you know?" I spoke gently, and he stared some more, before his lips lifted in that barely noticable innocent smile.

"You take care of yourself too, Sachiko-chan." the rain started to soak him, too, making his hair stick to his face and his clothes bleed darker. I looked up- he was holding the umbrella over me. I briefly wondered where his sand armour was, but smiled as he placed the umbrella in my hand. I couldn't deny the excitement that was like a burst of fire through my stomach when our skin made contact.

"Thanks." I leaned across and gently kissed his cheek, "I mean it. Thank you very much, Gaara-kun."

I moved back, and giggled to myself at the potent blush on his face. He was adorable- some girl would be lucky to have someone so sweet one day.

"Well, anyway, I have to get going. Tsunade-sama will murder me if I'm not back soon." though I was still nervous about going back, I knew I was ready. Ready to face the mountain that was my new emotional baggage.

The three nodded, and I grinned at them, before turning myback and setting off. My stomach gave a twist, and Izanami shifted.

"There's something you've missed." a shy little voice spoke in the back of my head. I frowned.

"Izanami?" I asked silently, but knew that it was not.

"There's something you've missed." the voice whispered again, a little girl's voice. She sounded like something from a horror film, ragged and broken. "Origins..."

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