Chapter Fourteen- Pas De Cheval

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I walked down the road of Konoha slowly and without a care. I looked up and frowned. Something was off.

Shrugging my shoulders, I looked away from the green sky with purple clouds and continued my journey. Probably just my imagination...

Once I'd walked about a quarter of a mile, I started to wonder where everybody was. Nobody was around, not even the badgers... I started to run, pulling open doors of shops and restauraunts as I went, only to come up blank each time.

"Hello?!" I yelled, "Where is everybody?!"

"Why hello there..." I jumped as some random guy with black bangs and dark eyes popped up in the dango store, smirking at me. He looked in his late teens, early twenties, so, being only twelve, I didn't really like the look he was giving me.

"What's a pretty little thing like you doing out here alone?" he asked, and I frowned.

"I'm not alone. You're here. Duh." I retorted, then folded my arms, "Who are you, anyways?"

"I am Itachi Uchiha." I cocked my head on one side. The name sounded familiar...

"You're acting like a paedophile." I shuddered, stepping away. Itachi grabbed my arm.

"Itachi!! Get away from her!!" another voice yelled, and I looked over to see Sasuke, fuming, and wearing a... rabbit costume?


"Foolish little brother, you cannot win her from me, you do not have enough..." and Itachi was now wearing a weasel costume, "Hatred."

Then they proceeded to play tug of war, with me as the rope.

"She shall bear my children!!" Sasuke yelled, "Back off you bastard!!"

"No, she will be mine!!" Itachi yelled back. Then a new voice interrupted them both.

"No no no, Tobi's a good boy and Sachi-chan is his prize!!" a sharingan flashed from a hole in a swirly orange mask.

"Not likely, I need her more than you guys do." another one with the sharingan with waaaaaaayyy long hair said, wearing red armour.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU NUTJOBS?!?!" I screamed, pulling my arms from their grip then legging it. They all chased me, the crowd of Uchiha's growing ever larger, all wanting to 'have' me for one reason or another.

"BEAR MY CHILDREN SACHIKO!!" they all yelled, and I started to panic.

"FUCK OFF!! I'M ONLY TWELVE YOU FREAKS!!" I screeched behind me, still running.

But they were catching up. I turned a corner, hoping to get away, only to come to a dead-end. I prayed for my life -and my virginity- as the crowd encroached on me, wondering if this was how it would end...


"GET AWAY FROM ME YOU DIRTY UCHIHA'S!!!" I screamed, sitting up with a jolt. I then blinked a few times, before slumping in relief. "I'm alive..."

"What the hell were you dreaming, Sachi?!" Sasuke demanded, wearing a major 'DAFUQ?!' face. I shuddered.

"It was... so horrible..." I said dramatically, and Sakura snorted.

"We all know you're faking it, give it up, Sachi."

I growled at her, "I'll have you know I'm traumatised after that weird-ass dream!!" I then glared at Sasuke, "Fucking shady Uchiha's..."

"What did I do?!" he exclaimed incredulously. I narrowed my eyes.

"KEEP AWAY FROM MY NO-NO SQUARE YOU PERVERTED UCHIHA!!" I hugged myself tightly, curling against the railing of the bridge. I must have been waiting for Kakashi so long that I fell asleep...

Tomorrow Blossom (Sasuke Uchiha) - Book One - Trade MistakesWhere stories live. Discover now