"Guess you never tasted sugar then.."

Hoseok just smirked as he tried to walk away. Taehyung wasn't that good in good terms with Yoongi too. But he believed everything the other did was always for the best of his teammates. So even if they clashed at times, Taehyung would prefer to keep his mouth shut.

No one ever dared to talk back or disagree to Yoongi. Even Jin was careful while getting in an arguement with the younger. The way Hoseok protested the other day was much off than what he had usually seen. Taehyung truely wanted to know more about Hoseok. He looked really cool to the other..

"Dancer boy, i heard you do quite a good job at dancing. Jin hyung says a lot about you."

Taehyung tried to extend the conversation.

"Jin? How does he know so much about me?"

Hoseok questioned back.

"Hey you two. Taehyung-ah, i've been searching for you."

Jin smiled at Taehyung. Well, it looked like a glare at first but then he smiled.

''Hi Hoseok."

Jin waved his hand in a loving manner, his smile ever so soft. His eyes turned calm and he spoke to Hoseok. Hoseok always felt like home when he looked at someone so composed like Jin.


Hoseok awkwardly smiled.

"What are you two kids up to?"

He looked at them both.

"Nothing. Taehyung and i were having a normal talk about the fest."

He explained.

"So.. are you participating..?"

Jin asked curiously, looking at Hoseok with full attention.

"Yeah- I'm sure about dance, literature- i'd manage. I know some stuff since my dad was a literature teacher. The only thing i am not sure about is music."

He answered looking a bit uninterested at the choice of topic.

''Okay. Taehyung i guess Jungkook was searching for you!"

He reminded and Taehyung just ran away without even a bye.

"Dont mind him. He is an idiotic alien. Just a little weird kid."

Jin smiled brightly.

"I like him. He is clingy, yet adorable."

Hoseok never felt like holding back while talking to Jin. He said things straightaway.

"How's your college going? I mean, i heard you last night. Yoongi said you had problems with your music class. Solved now?"

Jin casually asked.

"Ummm, about that. I'm still thinking of a way."

Hoseok scratched the back of his neck smiling awkwardly.

''Whats wrong? Tell me about it!"

Jin tried to calm the other down. Trying his best to be helpful.

"I and Yoongi dont get along quite well, you know. He offered a helping hand, but i'm not sure of his intensions."

Bright Side | SOPE ( Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now