chapter 14

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It wasn't much of a big deal as days passed

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It wasn't much of a big deal as days passed. Everything had went back to normal. The team practise, Hoseok's dancing skills were now as reknowed as they could be. His music exams at the end of the week went fine as hell too.

Being honest, it has been 11 days of despair for Min Yoongi. He had just let out the worst of him in the process of coping up with Hoseok. He knew he shouldn't have talked to that Hoseok to begin with. He had warned his mind before, that he was giving into a weird temptation he couldn't return from. He didn't want to meddle in Hoseok's matters. But Hoseok was just too bitchy to let go and too innocent to even "taken care of".

Ever since the first day, Yoongi had met him on the ground, Hoseok had shown various colours which were too bright for Yoongi's taste. Much to his own distaste, Yoongi had been happily getting used to him and trying to give himself a chance. Maybe he liked things a little shiny too. The darkness of his mind was peaceful but not as appeasing as Hoseok's cloudy yet happy sunny day.

Yoongi had last spoken to anyone outside his team only when he went out for tournaments. He had a couple of friends from other teams who he could feel alike with. But that was it. That was the only contact they ever had. Yoongi seemed quite arrogant and upstraight which was quite the scene in real life. But he was much shy and always kept to himself for other things to even touch his hard shell.

All his friends were happy, prideful and let's say quite playful in good and bad ways, which was fair enough for their popularity. Yoongi wanted to be too. He too wanted to fit into his gang of thugs. But he hated trouble, seeing people cry, making someone hurt. He had barely even raised his voice over someone. It didn't take him time to figure out himself that he was an outcast.

He didn't need rich parents and fancy cars anyways. Not like he got it. His parents were strict about everything. He was gay, much to his proud parents hard luck. And he knew well the consequences of accepting and confessing this good news to his ever so closed family and it's fame. It took Yoongi dating 2 girls for over months to ever realise it himself.

He had always been distanced from people. On his own wish. Sometimes he just wanted to be alone. The other times, he was scared to be around anyone. His sexuality wasn't really an issue where he lived. A prosperous city and highly educated people plus his surrounding. Everything was a facade, he knew. But at least they tried to make him feel accepted in between its dull yet sparkling lies.

He had been the best example of "on my own" and he loved it. Being answerable and dependent on someone else was never really what he wanted. He was scared at people pointing out his mistakes when he knew he couldn't do anything about it. His world was small, comfortable, with warm shadows.

Ever since he created a scene in front of Hoseok, he had just hated himself for what happened. He had let go of himself in the heat of the moment. He knew. He knew he couldn't bring back the time and it won't change a thing he did, but he decided to give himself and the other some time.

He hadn't planned on getting mad and not mentioning the fact that it was for Hoseok's betterment to stay away from new people. But that doesn't change the fact that he had no right to dictate someone. Every individual has right to do whatever he feels like. One experience does not make the world a bad place. Nor does it give someone else the right to control them. He was deeply sorry for his mistake for which he apologised later ofcourse and Hoseok let it go too, but it brought a different level of embarrassment to Yoongi.

He didn't want to distance Hoseok. It was like he never wanted to see him again, but couldn't even bare the thought of never seeing him again. Yoongi was sure he liked Hoseok more than friends. But he knew for sure he shouldn't be telling this to anyone.

Hoseok on other hand, wasn't sure what he wanted from life. He had always been on the happy side of his personality no matter what life gifted him. He was strong but not really. He had his troubles but he knew better than to sit and cry. It's not like he never cried. Ofcourse he did. But he knew how to compose himself for the world to know he was strong.

Hoseok had always been clear of things in his life. Very clear. He had his dreams, and no one could stop him. His ambitions were high to the sky. His personal life was a mess nor was it interesting. He had dated a girl from his school before. That's it. She didn't feel the connection.

He did maybe, which left him heartbroken for some reason. But we all have something that we've lost and we all know it's for the good. Hoseok had the same expectations from his life. At a point he was sure he was bisexual. He always felt it. But no one ever caught his attention like the passive aggressive soul Min Yoongi.

Yoongi to him was like an open book which was hard to read. He was close yet something about him made him seem so far away. Yoongi was his comfort on dark nights. A hyung he could trust on. He had never imagined Yoongi to be the soft man teaching him stuff on late nights on the very first day he ever saw Yoongi. That was a rough start. But not everything is as it looks like it is.

To begin with, Hoseok wasn't the type
to think twice before giving second chances. He was quite open at heart which made things easy as he would easily let go of anything. Something made him pure and different than everyone around him. But once if triggered, Hoseok could be a bitch, he really could. He held that untold power.

Yoongi bossing him around caught him off guard, which left him hurt. He had never imagined things to go this way. But they did. Hoseok would be lying if he said he never felt something special with Yoongi around. But, that was out of the window now since it's messed up.

They both knew they needed to talk. But both these arrogant soul were too scared to give in first. None of them wanted to look weak nor did anyone of them wanted to make the other feel weak.

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Do not, and i repeat do not give into the heat of moment and say things you dont mean. Its better to shut up and look stupid than to act up and look crazy.  I mean- thats my opinion.

Yayyyyyy.. we've finally reached 100 reads and i couldn't be more happy. Thankyou for reading my story and voting for it. I really appreciate it💜💜💜💜💜💜

I hope this book goes well and everyone likes it.❤

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