chapter 22

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"I like you- Hoseok."

"I really like you."

"I didn't think I would say this out loud. I mean.. it's shocking isn't it?! We don't even know each other that well. But... that's what is it.."

Silence followed. For long minutes.

"I didn't think it would turn out this way. Like.. when we met for the first time, on the court. But- then we started spending time. You know. You are quite cute-"

"Okay. This is embarrassing. But you are cute.. regardless. I don't have a valid reason to like you. It's just that.. I always want to do stupid things when i am with you. If... that makes sense."

"Okay.. I am not saying you are stupid. Oh god. I meant.. you cheer me up. And I am not the happy type of person. But- I think you bring out my bright side.."

Yoongi keep blabbering. His heart raced. He didn't know what to do to the point his brain had shut down. Just yesterday he had messaged Hoseok with a sudden boost of confidence. But now everything looked grey all of a sudden. Sweat dripping down his forehead like he had practised for hours without a break.

"I know you are dating Taehyung. I mean.. are you? I mean.. ofcourse you can. He is a nice guy. He is quite stupid. Umm.. I mean.. he is. But at the same time.. he is the smartest of the people you will see. I- are you really dating him though..??! No.. that's not the point. I want to apologise for what I did last time. I just turned over protective. I can become possessive sometimes. I know that's not a reason to do what I did. But-"

"Actually I know, who bullied you last time. I was just being careful. Maybe sorry, because.. it was my fault all along. I didn't think I would admit, but I reported Jaebum and his gang for drinking and smoking there when i saw your state when you ran to Jimin, but they thought it was you. And I know you trust people so easily. But regardless.. I am sorry. Are you really dating Taehyung..?"

"You reported whom???!!"

Hoseok almost screamed. He couldn't believe his ears. Yoongi was the one, it was because of him Jaebum and his gang did what they did..? Well not Jaebum, he had asked them to leave them alone. But whatever.

"What? Hoseok. When did you come? Why didn't I hear the doorbell? Whatever you heard.. nothing of it is true. What did you hear though?"

Yoongi had his eyes wide. Did Hoseok hear him confess? Did he hear him calling Taehyung stupid? It's not like he cared. But badmouthing about his boyfriend, Hoseok was the type to never tolerate that. Wait, did Hoseok hear him practicing what he wanted to say while sitting on the corner of his bed? That was the unedited version. Hoseok wasn't supposed to hear that. Plus, why is he 17 minutes early? How did he get in? Is Namjoon home? Did he hear me practising a confession too?

God that would kill him. He knows Namjoon won't judge him nor tell anyone. But he wasn't really the type to practice how to talk to people. That too out loud. He just wanted to make sure his words come out prop

Yoongi had already lost his previous crush in highschool because he didn't have enough guts to open his mouth no matter how many times he practised in his mind.

He had sorted things out last night. What he wanted to say, how did he wanted to say it. He just knew somehow that when the time comes, his mind would chicken out and say something mean to play it cool. So he thought he could do a quick rehearsal.

"You reported them?"

Hoseok asked again. Not really sure of what to say or do. He wasn't really mad about someone reporting something wrong that was going around them. But he had no idea, that the one who did it was Yoongi and 'he' had to take the blame and get bullied for that. So Yoongi knew I got bullied earlier. Did he see it? So it wasn't Jimin who told him..?

So he asked him to move to his apartment and stay with him and Joon or didn't let him make friends? Wait.. that was so caring. But stupid at the same time. Wait. Was Yoongi just sorry for what he did and wanted to own up. But didn't want to talk about it openly?

So? Okay, so it was just pity? Hoseok wished it wasn't. But- he found himself scolding his brain to think Yoongi was jealous or something. That didn't mean, he supported the shit he did. People should handle their jealousy properly. But, now that he knew it wasn't what he wanted it to be, he didn't know what to think.

Yoongi was practising his speech by himself? That was cute, low-key. How bad was he at talking!? Hoseok's one sided disappointed reached its peak as he shook his head and walked towards the door to leave with a short.

"I'm sorry."

What was he sorry for? He doesn't have an idea.

"Hoseok-ah i'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you like that."

Yoongi had nothing to say. He knew they didn't share a mutual feeling. Hoseok was way too bright and way too better and way too prettier and way too kind and way too good and way too sexy and way too popular and way too deserving and the sweetest Prince.

Yoongi was whipped and he knew it well. Taehyung deserved him. He was handsome and popular and tall and cool and knew how to sing and how to dance and always smiled and was a fashion king and can act and win prizes and awards for the college in different categories.

All in one. Taehyung was perfect for him. Two sunny people who can keep each other happy. Always. If not Taehyung, then Jin. He was a perfect human too. Hoseok would look better with anyone that is not him. He knew he was being an idiot. Too self degrading. It had been years since he felt that.

He had learned to cope with his mind and give himself a boost every now and then reminding himself he was the best student in his music department and a captain of a renowned basketball team. But that wasn't enough.

It is never enough. When you compare yourself to everyone around you, you can only see the bad in yourself. But that's what he wanted right now. To allow his mind to tell him he wasn't the best out there. So that means, he isn't bad. It's just that, Hoseok has better options.


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Please check out the other books- especially the Taekook one- i'm sure you'd like it.

Please check out the other books- especially the Taekook one- i'm sure you'd like it

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