chapter 4

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"Hey. Where are you living?"

Namjoon asked Hoseok out if curiosity.

"Umm.. hostel. Where do you live?"

Hoseok asked back. He thought everyone lived in the hostels. Namjoon just laughed.

"I meant which room? Which side of the hostel?"

He specified.

"Oh. I just shifted to the 3rd floor. That was the only space left. In building no. 5. Thats the only hostel i could afford."

He smiled weakly, not really ashmed about it. He didnt have any family support. It was the cheapest hostel he could get.

"What do you know about music?"

Namjoon asked not prying too much on irrelevant issies. Also he could see how sheepish Hoseok was. So he quickly changed the topic that may have made his new friend uncomfortable. He had developed interested in this new half depressed looking kid.

"Not much, i wanna learn a lot. So i took this subject. By the way, can we not talk in the class. I'm afraid the teacher might throw us out."

Hoseok cleared it out.

"Dude, its the music class. We have to discuss, understand and then make some good stuff out of several ideas. Plus the teacher is busy.."

Namjoon wasn't really looking down on him. He just thought this kid was on his weak side. And to be honest, Hoseok really was on his weak side in this class; he was so new to this surrounding.

"I'm so sorry, i never knew. I don't know any of these rules. I hope you can understand and help me."

Hoseok smiled again. He wasn't really scared to ask for help. Once he opened up, he was easy to talk to.

"You are a dancer right? You must be good at understanding music! I can sense it."

Namjoon said, trying to cheer him up.

"Yeah.. quite quite. But i'm not good at 'making' any. I wanna learn though "

"Namjoon-ah! Come here.. we have some work to complete!"

Yoongi, Namjoon's project partner called him. These two were one of the brilliant students of this class. Both compatible to each other, born stars.

''I'll get going buddy, see you soon. And talk to people, find yourself a partner or a group to get into the group projects."

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