chapter 12

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"Hoseok-ah..! Stay with us in our dorm.."

Yoongi had obviously thought it through. The time it takes for Hoseok to move forward and back from his hostels and the consequences it came with was the main reason Yoongi proposed the idea. Yoongi would  know it right away, if anything goes wrong with Hoseok.

If he's awake or asleep. If he's doing well or no. If he's taking care of himself or no. If he is studying or nah. More than anything, the natural nervousness of whether Hoseok left his dorm safe and reached back safe would not bother him.

"What's wrong hyung?"

Hoseok clearly didn't like the idea of leaving his dorm. But he surely hated the idea of living with Yoongi. I mean why would he? A few moments with Yoongi made his heart race. If he starts living with him, things would go down like no tomorrow. He wouldn't be able to live comfortably. Him living with Jimin was much more than convenient. He could at least breathe.

"I insist Hoseok. You can stay with us. There's only me and Namjoon anyways. You'd save a lot of your travelling time. Plus we'd get more time to practise."

He sat peacefully on the other side of the table in his room. Being honest, he was weak in his knees. His heart raced as face flushed a little. The thought of seeing Hoseok everyday, or more precisely whenever he wanted, was not what he got everyday even know he wished for it.

"What travelling time hyung?!! It barely takes me 20 minutes.. it's not a big deal, i'm good."

He denied. Even if he wanted to shift, that part of the students hostels was the expensive lifestyle. He could only afford the dorm he was living in right now.

"What about your face? Jimin said you got into a fight with someone. What exactly happened?"

Yoongi tried to act as if he didn't know or Jimin did not tell him. Hoseok just signed and told the lie he had made up earlier. The same one he had previously told Jimin, but this time with more confidence.

"That's what happened..!"

Yoongi had to do something of his guilt. Maybe he could ask Hoseok for a nice dinner and explain things.


Hoseok exclaimed loudly when he saw Seokjin's message.


Yoongi asked a bit confused.

"Just some important businesseu "

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