chapter 6

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Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Hoseok couldn't help but give it a thought, he anyways had no partner. But why would a top student step in a matter like this. Clearly Hoseok was no good to the team. He was still unwilling to accept the offer.

He had a hell lot of things in his mind. He took a lot of effort to get to where he now was. Facing a few family and economic problems. Hoseok had to work to earn few coins of his luxury for learning dance. His body hardly supported him as his stature made it easy for him to dance but hard to endure the pain of overwork.

He had to cry alone in pain on some dark nights as he couldn't share it with anyone. Now that he had thought about it, he was on a right track. He was heading to his dream. But he felt a heavy burden on his pale shoulders. He had certainly believed he had taken a wrong major. His lack of knowledge in the subject caused his self control and self confidence to deteriorate.

"Hey, dancer boy, wanna join?"

Taehyung smiled as he called out for Hoseok standing at a distance from the notice board as he kept staring at the intercollege fest. It said the winners or even selected participants would get a special point raise in their academics.

'All subjects were clearly included.'

The mention of more academic points made Hoseok happy. But the term that the people who get selected in all 3 major subjects at participation would get extra points in consideration couldn't be left behind.


Hoseok looked back at Taehyung who he seldom knew about.

"Dont tell me.. you don't remember me?"

Taehyung was more playful than ever. He placed his hand around Hoseok's shoulder wrapping it around the boy.

"I did..! But-"

"Okay. My name is Taehyung Kim. I saw you that day, you were quarreling with Suga hyung. You know.. you looked so cool when you did that."

He smiled a box smile. Hoseok was surely tensed about what Taehyung mentioned, but the fact that the rude little boy of that day was appreciating him now was a thing which left the talk undigested.


" Suga-hyung?"

Hoseok's eyes narrowed as he talked about this unknown figure.

''Ah.. its Yoongi hyung. We call him Suga.. because he is really sweet."

Hoseok was about to puke at the words which left Taehyung's mouth. But he settled with a scoff. He looked at the other with confused scowl.

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