Chapter 21: Garte

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"Well, here we are," Leo declared as they reached the beach.

"Thank you so much," Aphmau told them, "We really appreciate it."                    

"Sure," Leo replied, "Tell Stella I said hey." With that, he walked away. Travis looked over at the boat, sitting there in the doc. It didn't seem as much like a house boat as it did a pirate ship.

There were people all around it, running around and looking frantic. As he moved closer, he noticed they all had the same green eyes as the girl that had answered the door, and the same black chokers with star charms. Strange, he thought.

"What should we do?" Aphmau asked.

"I guess we ask someone if they've seen Stella?" Lucinda suggested. Travis nodded and walked up to a girl with ginger hair.

"Excuse me," He said, "Do you happen to know a little girl named Stella? Or have seen her around?"

"I-I-I...." the girl stammered, clearly panicked. She held a phone in one hand and a stack of papers in the other. "I...Um..."

"Are you okay...?" Travis asked.

"NO!" The girl yelled. "I-I can't find her. She's gone and we can't find her and the Boss needs her and what am I going to tell her?!" She dropped the papers and put her hand on her head.

"Who...?" Travis asked, fairly certain he knew who she was talking about.

"K-Kate...No one..." The girl said, stopping herself. That confirmed it for Travis so he went back to his friends.

"Katelyn was here." He told them, "But I think she and Stella escaped."

"Now what?" Lucinda questioned. He shrugged.

"We could try looking on the boat," Garroth suggested, "There may be some clues to where they went."

"How will we get on the boat?" Aphmau asked.

"It shouldn't be hard," Travis replied, "Everyone here seems so panicked, I doubt they'll notice if we just walk right on." And they did. And Travis was right, no one noticed.

"I guess we search the ship now..." Lucinda said, "Aphmau and I will take the top deck, Garroth and Travis, you take the bottom deck. If you're caught, just say you're lost." They nodded before going about their tasks.

As Travis walked down the stairs to the bottom deck, he realized something; it was flooded. Grabbing a lantern from off the wall next to him, he ducked under and swam around, observing.

It was similar to Stella's basement, with two small cells. The windows had been kicked out, though, which was probably what caused the flood. That must have been where they'd kept Katelyn and Stella, but they were gone now. Where could they be?

When he surfaced again, Garroth was calling his name.

"What is it Garroth?" Travis asked.

"Aphmau and Lucinda want us above deck, they found something." Garroth replied. Travis nodded and followed him upstairs. When he reached the top deck, he couldn't believe his eyes.

There, standing next to Lucinda and Aphmau, was Garte. He looked badly beaten and very skinny, as if he hadn't eaten in days, but he was there. He was alive, just as Garroth had thought.

Tears pricked the blonde werewolf's eyes. There was his father! He wasn't dead! He'd been right!

"D-Dad?" He asked. Garte's eyes softened and a smile formed on his lips.

"Garroth!" He called, running up and tackling his son in a big hug. "I'm so glad you're okay, I was so worried! Where's your mother and Zane?"

"They went home. They thought you were dead, but I stayed. I knew you were alive!" Garroth cried.

"I don't blame them; I probably would have done the same. I'm surprised you stayed for me, son." Garte replied. Garroth smiled. "Wait, where are Katelyn and that little girl? Are they okay?" He asked.

"You mean Stella?" Travis answered. Garte nodded.

"They were trapped here too. I don't know who the little girl was, but I assumed Katelyn was in the same situation I was." He explained, "Then there was the flood below deck where they were being kept...Did they...?"

"No," Garroth replied, "They weren't below deck when we looked for them. We think they escaped."

"Good," Garte sighed.

"We're going to find them," Travis added, "But we were wondering if you had any idea where they might have gone?" Garte thought for a moment.

"I'm not sure," He said, "If I were them, I'd either go back to where I knew you guys last were, or stay in hiding away from these guys." Travis nodded and sighed. Garte put a hand on his shoulder. "You'll find them, don't worry. I'll help you."

Travis smiled. He sure hoped that was true. He needed to see them again.


"Can we...Rest for a minute?" Stella panted. They'd been running through the jungle for hours without any breaks. Lei and the guides had been right on their tail the whole time. Katelyn listened for a moment and, not hearing anything, she stopped.

"Only for a minute." She told her. Stella nodded and flopped down on the ground. Katelyn worried, though. Every time they stopped, the guides seemed to catch up with them. It was as if they were being tracked.

Tracked! That was it!

"Hey, Stella? You know more about these collars than I do. Is there any way they can use them to track us?" She asked. Stella shook her head, but then bolted upright.

"YES!" She exclaimed, "There are tracking devices in the charms, it's how they keep finding us! How did I forget until now?"

"Is there any way we can get the collars off?" Katelyn asked. Stella sighed and shook her head.

"No, not unless we had a super powerful saw..." She said with a yawn.

"You mean like the wood working saw?" Katelyn asked. Stella's eyes widened and she nodded.

"Yeah! That could work." She replied, yawning again. She was clearly getting tired. She could barely keep her eyes open after all that had happened that day...

"Stay with me, Stella!" Katelyn exclaimed, "How do we get to the workshop from here?"

"It's...It's...Uh...I think it's the same way we're going. In an hour or two we should reach the town area and it'll be right in the square." She replied.

"Okay." Katelyn sighed. By now the younger girl was almost passed out. She sighed. "It's alright, you can rest for now. I'll carry you."

"Thank...You," She managed right before drifting off. And with that, she was out like a light. Katelyn chuckled. She remembered when her little brothers used to be the same way...

Picking Stella up, she carefully set her on her back and continued through the jungle. It was sunset by now, and she hoped to reach the workshop by nightfall. Otherwise, navigating the jungle would be a whole lot more difficult.

She just hoped they could make it without getting caught. She needed to see Travis and her friends again.

A/n: I finally uploaded! Sorry for the inconsistency. I'm trying to edit as many chapters as I can right now since my computer is currently working. I should be posting again later tonight and then maybe tomorrow and/or Sunday as well. Thanks for being patient with me!

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