Chapter 20: Into the Jungle

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Lucinda, Aphmau, Travis, and Garroth were following Leo to Lei's house boat. They'd been walking not long, but Travis was already over it. He just wanted to be there already! He wanted to find Katelyn and Stella.

"How much longer do you think it'll be?" He asked casually.

"Only about fifteen minutes, the boat is kind of out of the way." Leo replied. Travis nodded. Not much longer, he told himself, just hold on.

"So...How do you know Stella?" Aphmau asked.

"We were friends when we were younger," Leo said.

"Not anymore?" Garroth questioned.

"Not really..." Leo sighed, "When she was ten and I was eleven, she told me she had a crush on me. I turned her down...And after that we kind of stopped hanging out."

"Oh..." Aphmau whispered.

"No hard feelings, though," Leo stated, "She still comes by the diner all the time. I know her order and just how she likes it, so I usually make it for her." There was a minute of silence before Aphmau changed the subject.

"I told Aaron everything..." She said.

"Really? How did he take it?" Travis asked.

"W-Well I just told him that we know each other and he lost his memory, that's all. He said he needed time, which is understandable..." Aphmau explained. Again, there was silence.

"Well, in other news, Zane was able to remember Kawaii~Chan's name..." Garroth said quietly.

"Really? That's awesome! I'm glad it's starting to come back," Lucinda replied, "Hopefully mine will too..." Aphmau put a hand on her shoulder as comfort.

"I'm sure they will, just give it time," She told her. Lucinda nodded.

"We should be at the beach in about five minutes," Leo told them. Travis beamed. He was ready; so ready. He couldn't wait to see Katelyn, hug her, and kiss her. He also couldn't wait to give Stella a good scolding for making him worry so much!

Soon, they'd all be together again.


Elizabeth stood on the now rebuilt Celestial Cannon. Sure, it wasn't up in the sky like it had been when Michael used it, but it didn't need to be. She could use it right here on the ocean, and she would succeed, unlike him.

For the first time in a long time, she smiled. Everything was going according to plan. Now, all she needed to do was bring Katelyn here, use the cannon to turn her into a relic, and she could finally do what Michael never could. Sure, she didn't have the Ultima on her side either, but as long as she had Katelyn and her forever potion of strength, she didn't need him.

Now to go retrieve Katelyn and bring her here. Her plan would finally be complete-

Her phone rang. It was Aidan. What was his problem this time?

"Hello?" She answered coldly.

"Boss, something's happened!" Aidan replied in a panic.

"What?" She spat, clearly impatient.

"It's Katelyn! A-And Stella...They escaped!" Aidan exclaimed.

"They what?" Elizabeth replied.

"They escaped the ship! They kicked out the windows and flooded the lower deck." Aidan said, "Last I saw, they were on land before they ran into the jungle."

"And you didn't try to stop them?" Elizabeth sneered.

"Y-yes! We sent half of the crew after them! Even Mr. Gordon is out looking!" Aidan told her.

"I should hope so!" Elizabeth said, "It was HIS job to make sure they didn't escape! In fact, it was YOUR job too! I should hope you're out looking as well!" Aidan swallowed.

"Y-yes Boss!" He said.

"And you had better find them, or I will NOT be happy," Elizabeth added, "And you know what happens when I'm unhappy." Aidan whimpered on the other end before she hung up.

She sighed. 'Idiots' she thought. All they had to do was keep two girls in cells at the bottom of the ship for one day. That was all she asked, yet they couldn't even do that.

"I leave for thirty minutes to oversee the cannon's completion, and they ruin everything." Elizabeth sighed, "If you want something done right, do it yourself, I guess." And with that, she set off for Lei's boat.


"Do you think we...Lost them?" Stella panted, trying to keep up with Katelyn. She stopped for a moment to listen. Katelyn could hear shouting in the distance, but not close enough for her to worry, yet.

"No, but we don't have to keep running," She replied, "We can walk for now." Stella nodded and slowed her pace, still panting. Katelyn smiled. "Not a fan of running?"

"Not at all," Stella replied, "I'm more into surfing, been doing it since I was five."

"Impressive," Katelyn said.

"Thank you," Stella replied, "So what's your thing? Are you a runner? You sure are fast."

"Not really. I go for runs, but I'm more into Volleyball," Katelyn told her, "Sports in general are kind of my thing, though I've never surfed. Maybe you could teach me sometime." Stella nodded.

"So...What's it like where you're from?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" Katelyn replied.

"I mean, what's your family like?" Stella asked.

"Well, I have three younger brothers, which means you have three older brothers." Katelyn told her with a smile. Stella's face lit up.

"Really?" She asked. Katelyn nodded. "I've always wondered what it would be like to have siblings," Stella told her, "But I've always wanted an older sister." She smiled and Katelyn chuckled.

"There's also my dad, he's dating Aphmau's mom." Katelyn added, "And of course my boyfriend, Travis, my roommate Kawaii~Chan, my friends, Lucinda, Garroth, Aphmau, Aaron, Zane..."

"Woah woah woah," Stella said, "Back it up. Your dad is dating Aphmau's mom?"

"Yep," Katelyn smiled, "And they're a really cute couple too."

"I've never met them but I ship it," Stella said, beaming.

"Oh no, don't tell me you're into that shipping nonsense, too." Katelyn said.

"OF COURSE!" Stella replied, "I'm a hardcore shipper."

"Great..." Katelyn said sarcastically. "Well, I guess you'll get along great with Kawaii~Chan then." Before Stella could answer, there was shouting nearby.

"They're catching up." She sighed. Katelyn nodded.

"We need to keep moving, come on." She told her. Stella nodded. She did NOT want to be caught by her father. Especially after what had happened that day. She lightly touched the skull now carved into her shoulder. Because they were in such a rush, they hadn't been able to bandage it yet. The blood was still fresh.

A/n: Already chapter 20! Thank you all for reading this story, I really appreciate it! There will be about ten more chapters and an epilogue, and then this book will be done! Again, thank you so much for the support <3

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