Chapter 11: Sisters

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Katelyn watched in shock as Stella was thrown into the cell next to her. She wasn't fighting, just accepted what was happening as if it wasn't the first time this had occurred. And maybe, she realized, it wasn't.

They were left in silence now that Aidan was gone.

"So...What happened?" Katelyn asked awkwardly.

"I got caught, I'm sorry," Stella replied, looking away.

"Oh...Did you manage to get a hold of Kai?" The blunette questioned.

"Yeah, I did. I even met Travis in person a couple of times, and told him everything." She explained. Katelyn nodded; relieved that Travis now knew she was alive. "What happened after they took you away?" Stella asked.

"They drew my blood and did some other tests, but I'm not sure what for." Katelyn answered. Stella didn't speak after that so she changed the subject. "I noticed the charm on your collar changed, is there a reason for that?" She asked.

"Yeah, it has to do with rank. I'm sure you've seen but everyone around here has one. The star charm means they're the trustworthy rank, which is most everyone," Stella explained, "I was a heart rank up until recently, which just means you're the middle ground and considered unpredictable. Now we're both skull which is the lowest. We're the ones they keep locked up since we're not at all trustworthy."

Katelyn nodded in understanding. She had suspected the charms had to do with rank.

"How did you end up involved in all of this?" She asked carefully.

"My mom's kind of at the top of it all," Stella said, "I was just born into it."

"I see." Katelyn answered. There was another awkward silence before Stella changed the subject.

"I talked to Travis today," She spoke.

"Yeah? What about?" Katelyn replied.

"You, mostly," Stella said, "he told me all these stories about you. He really loves you and I can tell you love him." Katelyn nodded. "Also, you sound like the coolest, strongest person ever," She added with a smile, "I don't know if I'd have been able to help fight Michael after all he did. He seemed so scary." Katelyn smiled.

"He was," she replied, "But I'm that great. I did a lot of bad things too..."

"But that wasn't you! You were under his control!" Stella replied.

"You fought Michael, did you?" Elizabeth's voice came from the stairs. Katelyn didn't reply; she still wasn't talking to her. "And you, Stella, you think Katelyn here is so amazing, don't you?" Stella said nothing.

"Just ignore her." Katelyn told her.

"Now Katelyn, that's not a nice thing to say, I am her mother after all." Elizabeth smirked. Katelyn's eyes widened.

"You...What?" she asked.

"Yeah, this is my mom." Stella replied. Katelyn looked back and forth between them, shock written across her face.

"But...That would make us..." She trailed off.

"Sisters," Elizabeth finished, "half-sisters, to be exact." Now it was Stella's turn to be shocked.

"What do you mean?" She questioned.

"Katelyn is my other daughter; you're half-sisters," Elizabeth smirked again.

The blonde was in shock. Sisters? Katelyn was her sister? How could that be, and how could she not have known? They didn't look alike, no, but their eyes...They had the same eyes.

"So after you abandoned your family you decided to go start a new one? Did we mean nothing to you?" Katelyn spat. Elizabeth leaned in close to her, smiling.

"Yes." She replied. Katelyn held back her tears, turning away. With that, Elizabeth left the room. Stella wasn't sure what to say or do.

"K-Katelyn?" She started.

"Don't talk to me. Not right now," Katelyn replied.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know we were sisters, I swear-" Stella tried to say.

"Save it," Katelyn told her, "I don't want to talk to you right now. And we're not sisters."

Hearing that, the blonde got the message. Turning to the wall next to her, Stella curled up into a little ball and began crying silent tears.

A/n: I'm posting kind of early since I have a busy day tomorrow and don't want to forget to upload. Sorry this chapter is short! The next couple will be like that but then the story will kind of pick up and they'll be longer!

Blue Angel (Mystreet Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt