Chapter 28: Her Wings

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Katelyn looked up at the glowing orb her best friend had now become. How...How could she let this happen? It was all her fault; she never should have gone back to the house.

Tears streamed down her face as she sighed.

"Are we going to do this the easy way," Elizabeth began, "or the hard way?" Katelyn glared at her and took a step back, further from the cannon. She wasn't about to let what happened to Aphmau happen to her. If she was going to save her friend, she needed to be around to do it.

"Fine," Elizabeth said, "You asked for it." She snapped her fingers and more guides appeared, slowly approaching Katelyn. She took a deep breath. While she didn't want to hurt them, she wasn't going to stand by and let this happen either. She clenched her fists and assumed a fighting stance.

Two of them ran at her. She dodged one and blocked the other. Grabbing his arm, she flipped him over her shoulder and he hit the ground with a thud. Sorry, she thought.

Just before the first one could land a punch on her she kicked him in the gut. He stumbled back, winded. Now a third was running over. At the same time, the second guy was getting up. Katelyn knew she couldn't block them both, so she grabbed the girl running over and threw her at the nearest wall. At the same time, the second guy kicked her feet out from under her and she fell.

A fourth and fifth were now approaching, but she didn't let that worry her. She threw a punch at the first guy, but he dodged it. The second tried to come at her from behind but she managed to block it. She threw another punch, this time landing it right on the first guy's nose. He cried out in pain.

The other two were now here, so she grabbed the second guy's arms and swung him at them. They feel to the ground like bowling pins.

She wasn't trying to seriously hurt any of them; she knew they were innocent. Her goal was just to knock them out and get them out of her way. They weren't her enemies, Elizabeth was.

The first guy now stood up and before she could react, kicked her in the stomach. She took a few steps back, but refused to give up. Running forward, she landed another punch on him and while he was reacting, she kicked him in the head, knocking him out.

Hopefully none of that was long term damage...

"How dare you?!" Elizabeth cried, "Why must you be so difficult?"

"She gets it from me," Eric called, "I taught her to do that, everybody!" Elizabeth glared at him and the men holding him back punched him. "Alright that's it!" he shouted. He grabbed the arm of one man and chucked him across the room, knocking him out cold. Then kicked the other hard, and he feel back into the wall.

"Way to go, Honeybear!" Sylvana cheered, "I knew you could do it!"

"Yay Mr. Eric!" Stella called. Garte gave an approving nod and Zack smiled.

Elizabeth growled and jumped down from the control pad, hitting the floor with a thud. When she looked up, there was a murderous expression on her face. Katelyn heled her ground, staring her mother down. She was scared, yes, but she wouldn't let her hurt anyone. She wouldn't let her win. She turned to her dad.

"Dad, take care of everyone else," She took a step forward, "I've got this." Elizabeth cackled like a maniac.

"How I'm going to enjoy this," She smirked. A split second later, she ran at Katelyn. Unsurprised, she dodged her. Elizabeth turned back with a fire in her eyes, but Katelyn had a fire too.

She ran at her again, but again Katelyn dodged her. She threw a punch but Elizabeth blocked it. She threw another, blocked another. The fight went on like this, neither able to land a hit on the other. It really seemed like fire fighting fire; both equal matched against the other. There was no telling how this would end.

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