Chapter 18: Escape

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Once again, Katelyn and Stella had come up with a plan. They'd been able to do so more freely, since they weren't being watched as closely here. Probably because Lei was so violent no one expected them to try anything.

That was why it was the perfect time to try something. No one was around during this time of day, so now was their chance.

The plan was for Katelyn to kick the window in her cell and break it. Then, she could squeeze out and escape into the ocean. She'd swim to shore and go find her friends. After that, they'd all come back for Stella later and help get her away from her parents.

Still, Katelyn felt selfish going through with it. She would be the only one escaping, at least at first. It didn't seem right considering all Stella had done for her.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" She asked quietly.

"Y-yeah, I am. I want you to escape, no matter what happens to me," Stella replied, "Plus, I know you'll come back for me. It's okay, go."

"I will come back," Katelyn said, "I promise."

"I know," Stella smiled, "oh, and tell Travis I said hey." Katelyn chuckled.

"I will," She promised.

"Well, then I guess this is goodbye." Stella said.

"I'll be back." Katelyn promised.

"Bye..." Stella whispered.

With that, Katelyn kicked her glass window, breaking it. Water started flooding in. As she waited, she wondered what everyone would say when she told them this story; how she escaped. They'd probably think she was crazy, which wasn't far from the truth at this point.

They might even be angry with her for leaving Stella like this. But it was the only way she could escape, wasn't it?

By now, the room had mostly flooded with water, and she could get out. Taking one last deep breath, she ducked under the water and carefully slipped out of the window.

She took a deep breath once she reached the surface. She was free! Finally! For the first time since she'd been on the Celestial Cannon, she was free!

But, something didn't feel right...Stella. She couldn't just leave her behind in a cell in a flooding room! She would drown before someone found her. How had she not thought of that? 'People need air to survive, Katelyn' she told herself.

Not to mention if she left her here and Lei found out about it, he'd hurt her again, or worse...She thought back to what he'd said.

"Next time I kill you!"

He was definitely serious, she had no doubt. She needed to go back for Stella, right now. Taking a deep breath, she ducked back under the water and swam to Stella's side of the ship.

Looking through the window, she could see the little girl inside, not moving. Panic hit her and without thinking, she punched through the window. This time not waiting, she slipped back through.

The entire room was flooded now, from floor to ceiling. Everything in storage was probably ruined, which served Lei right, she thought. Carefully grabbing Stella by the waist, she pulled her towards the window.

She pushed her out into the ocean as gently as possible, but before swimming out herself, she made eye contact with some on the other side of the room. It was Lei, and he looked furious standing there under the water.

She ignored him and swam out the window after Stella. Grabbing the teenage girl, she swam them both to the surface. She took a deep breath.

Okay, so she'd veered from the plan. Stella was coming with her now rather than later. She was also passed out.

They needed to get to shore as fast as possible, but also get away from the ship as soon as possible. Lei had seen her, so he'd no doubt be sending people out to find them soon.

Katelyn started swimming both herself and Stella towards shore. Luckily, it wasn't too far away. She just hoped there weren't any sharks in the area. Stella was still bloody, as they hadn't gotten the chance to give her first aid yet.

She just kept swimming. Good thing she'd been a lifeguard for that one summer when she was in high school. It was really paying off right now.

Eventually, they reached land and she laid Stella on the ground, catching her breath. A few seconds later, the girl next to her began to cough. She coughed up so much water, Katelyn wondered if there was any air in her lungs at all. But she was alive.

"You...Came back for me?" She coughed.

"Yeah, I told you I would." Katelyn smiled.

"I knew you would," Stella replied, "just didn't think it would be that soon."

"What was I supposed to do," Katelyn asked, "let you drown?" Stella giggled.

"Yeah...I guess that wasn't our best plan, huh?"

"Nope," Katelyn smiled, "not at all."

"But thank you." Stella sighed, "For saving me back there."

"Of course," Katelyn told her, "I couldn't just let my sister die."

"You mean half-sister?" Stella asked quietly. Katelyn thought for a moment before answering.

"No," she said, "I mean sister." Stella beamed at her and leaned in to giver a hug. Surprised, she returned it.

Shouting could be heard in the distance from the ship. It was coming their way. They needed to leave, now.

"We have to go, come on," Katelyn said, helping Stella up. She nodded. "Which way?"

"Hmmm...." Stella thought. "From here, we need to go that way to get you back home." She pointed to the left. "But I think we should go through this jungle area. It'll take longer, but we'll be hidden better from my dad and the guides." She pointed in front of them.

Katelyn nodded and began treading through the trees.

"I'm assuming this is the jungle themed part of the island?" She said.

"Yep," Stella replied.

"Well, hopefully it'll work in our favor. I'm ready to head home." Katelyn said.

"Me too," Stella sighed.

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