Chapter 27: Relics

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Katelyn woke up to a bright white light shining in her eyes. She blinked a few times, not knowing where she was. Eventually, she sat up and looked around. It didn't take long for her to realize she was on the Celestial Cannon. Everyone else was there too, lying on the floor next to her.

She tried to wake Aphmau, who was the closest to her, but a booming voice stopped her.

"Ah, you're awake." Her mother said, "Pity, I was hoping to finish before that happened. It would have been so much easier. No matter, I'll still succeed."

Katelyn now realized she was in the middle part of the cannon, and Elizabeth was at the control pad. She could shoot them and turn them all into relics right now, so why didn't she? Was that not what she had planned?

"Katelyn?" Aphmau said groggily, coming to her senses.

"Aphmau," Katelyn whispered, "We're back on the cannon." Her eyes widened as she looked around, noticing where she was. Everyone else was starting to wake up now too, just as confused and worried.

"Well," Elizabeth said, "I guess we'll just be doing this with all of you awake, won't we?"

"Doing what?" Stella called out.

"Why, turning you into relics, of course." Elizabeth replied with a smirk. Everyone's eyes widened. "Oh, not all of you," Elizabeth said, "Only Katelyn. She's the only one of you that's strong enough to do what I need done. And Aphmau, for a little extra power. I sense strength in her, while a different kind."

"Then why are we all here?" Zack called out.

"To watch," Elizabeth replied, "I need witnesses to see me save this world."

"You're not saving anything! You're destroying it." Aphmau replied.

"Same difference," Elizabeth told her, "Now everyone else, step out of the way." No one moved a muscle. "You misunderstand," She continued, "I wasn't asking." Suddenly, ten tour guides appeared seemingly out of nowhere. They grabbed Eric, Sylvana, Stella, Garte, and Zack, and pulled them away from the cannon.

"NO!" Eric shouted, trying to fight back. Somehow, he couldn't.

"You don't have to do this!" Stella told them, "Please, listen to me!"

"Aren't they beautiful?" Elizabeth said, "The tour guides are all my little pets. They do whatever I tell them, without question, and all it took was a bit of forever potion."

"What?" Garte yelled, "We were done with those! We were done after you used them on Travis and Katelyn, and then took my Garroth and used it on him too!"

"Oh no," Elizabeth told him, "You were done. I continued to use them. After I had Stella, here, I realized there was a chance Michael would fail, and I needed a plan B. I needed someone with the potion's strength, but who would obey me. Of course that wasn't Katelyn or Garroth; their potions were set for Michael, not me.

So, I tried to make my own and set it for myself. I gave it to Stella, but to my disappointment, it didn't work. It was faulty. So, I decided to ask Michael for one, only one, that I said I would give to my youngest daughter as a precaution. He saw no problem in it, and agreed. So, I took that potion and set it so the victim would obey me. After that, I duplicated it and gave it to all of the tour guides, including Lei, in small doses. Now, they all obey me. Aren't I just the most resourceful?"

"You're sick," Stella said, "How could you force all of these people under your control like that? It's...Awful!"

"I did what I had to," Elizabeth told her, "Just like this!" She pressed a button on the control pad, and the familiar 'beep beep' sounded.

Katelyn knew the cannon was about to fire, and she needed to get away. She managed to dive out of range of the cannon just in time, but Aphmau wasn't so lucky.

"Aphmau!" She screamed as her friend was engulfed in light. Once it all cleared away, all that was left was a glowing purple orb. "A-Aphmau..." Katelyn whispered, tears rolling down her cheeks. Elizabeth cackled.

"Now," She smirked, "You're next."


Travis, Lucinda, and Garroth were running. They didn't know where, just running. They'd gotten the call from Garte saying Katelyn and Stella had shown up at the house with Zack, but when they'd returned, no one was there.

Travis had a sneaking suspicion of where they might be. As he raced to the beach, Lucinda and Garroth followed him. Finally, he reached the sand and stopped, looking out at the cannon.

Suddenly, a burst of white light came from inside. No, he thought, please no, not there. Not again.

"They-They much be on the cannon." Lucinda said.

"We have to help them! They could be in danger!" Garroth exclaimed.

"But how will be get over there?" Lucinda asked. Travis looked around, spotting a helicopter nearby.

"That's how," he said, running over. A man was inside next to a familiar teenage boy. "Leo," Travis said.

"Oh, hey Travis! Did you hear about the Tsunami warning? It's coming this way; it'll be here in about twenty minutes." Leo told him. Travis' eyes widened.

"We don't have much time!" He told Garroth and Lucinda, "Leo, please, we need to use your helicopter."

"Well, we're supposed to helping people get to safety..." Leo said, looking at his dad.

"This is important!" Lucinda snapped, "Our friends and family are out there on that island and they could be in danger!"

"I don't know..." Leo sighed.

"Stella's there too!" Garroth added. Leo looked at him with a stern look, then turned to his dad who nodded.

"Get in," He ordered, "We're going to help them."

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