Chapter 29: The Demon

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Travis braced for impact as Elizabeth flew towards him, sword drawn. He knew he'd made a mistake, and was ready to accept any outcome.

But it never came.

He opened his eyes to see her sword just in front of him, aimed at his heart. She was levitating in the air, but had stopped. He looked past Elizabeth to see Katelyn. She'd grabbed her by the foot and was holding her mother back, stopping her from hurting Travis. Her angel wings flapped strongly as she fought to keep her in place.

Elizabeth turned around.

"You!" She snarled.

"I won't let you hurt him," was all Katelyn said. She tightened her grip and swung her around, throwing her mother as far away from Travis as possible. Elizabeth hit one of the pillars with a smack and it cracked.

Panting, she stood back up. With even more anger than before, she raised her sword and closed her eyes. It set on fire, a blue flame radiating off the metal. When she opened her eyes, they were now glowing too.

Regaining composure, she flew at Katelyn, their swords clashing loudly. The blunette barely moved as her mother continued attacking her. She would stand her ground, no matter what happened.

As she continued to fight her mother, Travis watched in horror. He wanted to help, wanted to get up and fight, but he felt frozen.

He looked to Garroth, who seemed to be waiting for the right time to join the fight. Suddenly, fear overtook him. Or maybe it was memories, of the last time they were here. The image of Katelyn flashed through his mind, a sword in her stomach, and defeat in her eyes. He had thought he'd lost her that day. He never wanted to feel that again.

Finally, Travis stood up, filled with determination. The familiar black wings sprouted from his back, just as they had under Michael's control. Only this time, he was the one in control.

Flying upward, a purple and black sword appeared in his hand. He smiled. A second later, he rushed at Elizabeth, who was about to strike Katelyn with her sword, and managed to hit her back. He didn't quite stab her, but he made a good sized gash, in his opinion.

The blue haired woman turned around in shock and met his eyes. The shock was soon replaced by hatred as she glared at him. He looked past her and met Katelyn's eyes. She gave a small smile, and he smiled back.

Elizabeth swung her sword at him, but missed. Katelyn quickly attacked her from behind, managing to get her shoulder. She yelled in pain, but didn't stop.

"This isn't your fight, boy!" She yelled.

Instead, she manifested a second sword in her left hand, which she used to block Katelyn's attacks. With the right, she continued going after Travis. If she could just take him out, this would all be so much easier.

Katelyn flew around in front of her, getting in her way. Elizabeth tried to hit her but she blocked it. She seemed to be getting weaker, but very slowly.

She dropped to ground, a look of defeat on her face. Katelyn stayed in the air, sword ready, but Travis took the bait. He too dropped to the ground, raising his sword.

He was going to take care of her once and for all.

Until she stabbed him. He looked down, pain and shock on his face. She'd managed to stab him in the stomach, just as Katelyn had been over a month before. Though is wound wasn't nearly as deep.

"Travis!" Katelyn shouted as he fell back.

"I-It's okay," he told her, "It's not my fight..." Elizabeth cackled. Katelyn gave her a death look and charged at her. In the surprise, she wasn't able to block and she managed to hit her left arm.

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