Chapter 6: She's Alive

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Travis stood on the dock, staring off into the ocean. It was hard to believe they would be leaving today. After all that'd happened, he never thought he'd make it out alive. Sometimes he wished he hadn't.

Overall he was excited to be going home, even though he knew it would never be the same. He'd never see Katelyn again, spend time with her, or talk to her. He'd never see his dad again either. That was something he wouldn't ever get used to.

He'd get to see Dante again, yes, but somehow that wasn't as appealing. Plus, what was the point if he never really spoke to anyone anymore?

It just felt like he was leaving something on Starlight, something important. Sure, his heart would remain here with Katelyn and his father, but it was more than that. Something inside was telling him not to go...

"Hey, could you help me with this?" Someone tapped him on the shoulder. He turned to see a teary-eyed Lucinda struggling with a couple of suitcases. Nodding, he took one from her and helped load it onto the boat.

After that, they both sat on a bench near the dock, waiting for everyone else to get there. Eventually Lucinda spoke.

"It feels wrong; leaving like this. We never even got to say goodbye to her..." She whispered. Travis nodded, he felt the same way. He hadn't gotten to say goodbye to his father either, and it was killing him.

Still, he kept his eyes on the waves and the ocean in front of him. Now wasn't the time to be crying; not when everyone else would be coming soon. He didn't want them to see him cry.

About a half hour later, everyone's luggage was on the boat and they were ready to go. Having said their last goodbyes to the island, they filed on board. Aphmau noticed the unsure looks on Travis and Lucinda's faces.

"It's going to be okay," she told them, "you'll feel better when we get home." But even she couldn't be certain.

Just as the boat was about to leave, someone on shore shouted Travis' name. He turned to see Kai running down the dock. What was he doing here? If he was here for Katelyn, he'd be disappointed. But then he realized; the Mei'fwa was calling his name, not hers.

Why would he be here for me? He wondered. Stepping off the boat, he gave Kai a questioning look.

"So glad...I caught you...In time," He panted, "There's something I need to tell you...About Katelyn."

"Katelyn's gone, Kai," Aphmau said softly, coming up behind Travis.

"No, she's not. She's alive, that's what I came here to tell you," Kai replied.

"What?" Lucinda asked, now joining the group.

"Kai, please don't joke about this," Aphmau said, her voice rising in volume.

"I'm not joking, she's alive. Someone called me yesterday saying she asked them to tell me to let you know," Kai explained. By now everyone on the boat had come to see what was going on, and he was getting frustrated that no one believed him.

"Who?" Travis spoke for the first time in days.

"Her name was Stella, that's all I know." He replied.

"How do you know we can trust her?" Aphmau asked, "And why would Katelyn ask her to contact you rather than us, her friends?"

"I don't know," The Mei'fwa admitted, "all she said was that Katelyn can't to contact anyone right now, and to tell you she's alive. I'm not sure why she needed to do it through me."

"Can you call her back? Ask what's going on?" Travis said angrily.

"I've tried, and she never answers! She promised to call back in a couple of days with more information," Kai told them.

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