Life Crisis -34

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Kc POV---
It was Saturday but Todoroki, Katsuki, and I didn't have provisional license training so we get to practice in our groups for the concert.


I still wasn't talking to Katsuki since he is the one who told me to fuck off, I'll let him decide when he wants to talk to me again.

-I don't even know what I did. Well.... I told Todo to ice my neck... THAT'S IT! He's acting like I told him to suck my titty or something."

I released the girls so they could go to their assigned group and I went to mine.

"How come you bitches get to be on the effects team but I gotta fucking dance huh?!"

Ace- "Well your water could cause people to get sick and make the floor slippery."

Spaz- "Cmonnnn dancing is cool! Plus If I was on the dance team I would probably do better than you..."


We split and the first half I was doing the moves Mina was showing us and all that Jazz. Then I was doing as good as Mina so I sat off to the side and watched most of the guys struggle.

"I'm gonna take a stroll."

"Hey Kc where you goin?"

I look behing me and see Mina looking at me almost sad that I'm leaving.

"Huh? Oh don't worry about me babe just gonna take a walk mk, I'll be back in a bit I promise."

"Okkkkk don't keep me waiting."

She winks at me and I quickly turn around blushing.

"D-damn it."

Spaz- Ooooooo I'm feeling tingly! And taking that you're not with Hot head then it's Mina! Ahahahaaaaa Gay Paniccccccc!"

Ace- Are you interested in girls as well?

I-I don't fuckin know! M-Maybe....


Ace- Her hair just flamed out and burned the ceiling fan...

Spaz- Sorry I got a little excited.

Tch I said maybe you damn dumbass!

I found myself wandering around the forest around UA and I heard a rustle in the bushes.

"Heh. You gonna keep watching me from a far or are you gonna walk up to me and stay something."

"Aw Princess you caught me."

"What's up."

"What I can't just come see you?"

"Well you left 3 little bean scars on my shoulder and left me some mean bruises. I have a right to be skeptical on how you feel about me."

"Well like I told the crazy I like you."

"And what does that mean."

"Well you're 17 right? Lets say next year and no boyfriend, I'd wanna make you mine Princess."

"Bold huh. Not bad."

"How do you feel about me Princess."

He smirks and leans real close but I don't back down. His little games don't work on me.

"Well you left a pretty shitty first impression but,"

I lean close to his ear and whisper.

"You're not half bad yourself Toya~"

Split feeling 4 you {Katsuki Bakugo X OC}Where stories live. Discover now