Study disasters -16

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Kc POV---
We are back at school, Class is dismissed and Aizawa tells us about finals.

"There's only one week left before your final exams begin I'm sure your all studying constantly right. Don't forget to keep training, the written exam is only one element. There's also the practical portion to worry about. Good luck."

Aizawa leaves and Spark plug and Mina start to freak out about not studying.

"Quit making excuses. It's not all that hard if you pay attention." I don't even lift my head to look at them

"Aw c'mon Kc why do you have to cut me down like that!" Spark plug whines.

Candy cane chimes in and backs me up
"Well she is correct. If you pay attention failing isn't even an option."

Momo offers to help them catch up and I roll my eyes. A bunch of other kids ask for her help and she gets real excited about it. I stay in my seat not wanting to be bothered by anyone so I pull out my phone and scroll through social media. Boy was that short lived when Alex walks in. And walks right over to me.

"Kc how long are you gonna keep ignoring me!"

"Why are you here? You don't even attend the school. Oh wait let me guess you hang out in the teachers lounge because Aizawa doesn't trust you at home."

"Actually yeah. But I'm actually gonna join this class! Isn't that great."


Mina walks up to us and asks who he is.

"Oh here take him and get him acquainted with everyone." I shove him towards her and she grabs him and yanks him to her side of the room. Kiri walks over to me and Katsuki who have yet to move from our seats.

"Sound like i should be studying with her." Kiri tells Katsuki with a smug look on his face.

"Don't poke where you shouldn't Kiri." I tell him in a singing tone.

"You think I don't know enough. Maybe I should beat the lessons into your skull."

"I'm counting on it."

"You two ladies having a date huh? To think I wasn't informed about it from either of you...kinda hurt Kiri & Katsu."

"Katsu? Aw is that a new nickname! Better than Firecracker in my opinion! Nice Kc."

"SHUT UP SHITTY HAIR! And it's not a date damn it this dumbass sucks at anything that involves using his stupid head."

"Aww It's ok Kiri even if I didn't attend school I'm very smart. Numbers and languages are my specialty considering I needed to use them for...well u know exchanges n stuff." My voice goes quiet at the second part.

"Hey Kc why don't you join us? I could use all the help I can get!"


"Looks like Bakugo here doesn't need any help in teaching you. I'll be off now see you guys later I guess."

Katsuki POV---
"Bakubro you made her upset! Nice going, did something happen between you guys?"

"Shut up shitty hair. It's none of your business! I'll tell you later."

"Sorry what was that you mumbled that second part."


Kc POV---
I head to lunch and spot Deku sitting with his group

-maybe I should try dealing with groups of people. But kids my age are different than grown ass men with intent to kill so I don't know how to deal with this. Whatever fuck it just go Kc.

Split feeling 4 you {Katsuki Bakugo X OC}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora