She smiled.

"No arguments." He rubbed his palm against his lips and jaw. " No teething problems." Probably because she dodged meeting him without company. Until her heart insisted on this meeting, today. Having a battle between her heart and her brain is tiring.

The smile was back in her voice as she said with a heartfelt sigh. "Well, it seems to be working, don't you think?"

He nodded. "And you do remember, I would increase the beef herd within two months."

She nodded. "I assume that is on schedule." She closed her eyes, pinched the bridge of her nose and rubbed at the junction between her eyebrows. This meeting was going wrong! 

He nodded. He knew he was going to do something about this situation. "I think we should celebrate our first month anniversary."

She chuckled.

"Perhaps a small party. Or something." He raised his eyebrows.

She nodded in acceptance. "Sure." She schooled her features.

 He announced casually. "Perhaps tomorrow."

Her brow furrowed and she bit her bottom lip as she watched Gray's eyes. He was planning something, she was not sure what exactly. "I doubt we can arrange a party, small or not, within a day!"

They were quiet for a second.

"Ok. How about dinner?" This is like a cat and a mouse, except he was not sure who was the cat.

 Her eyes narrowing in sudden concern, "Dinner?"

"Yes. Are your shift tomorrow in the evening?"

She shook her head. "No. Day shift." 

He just glossed over it and said, "Great."  He smiled happily. "A celebratory dinner tomorrow."  Smiling broadly he said, "Put it in your diary!"

"What do you want for dinner? I can cook."

He shook his head. "No, let's order. Lore can collect it and bring it to the farm."

That means that Lore and Sam would be around, so she could manage. "That sounds good." She smiled, "Anyway, got to go. Lucy is waiting for me."

He smiled. "Don't forget. Put it in your diary."

"Will do. Bye."

"Bye." As he watched her walk away, his smile widened.

The next night, Regan came home to find the dining room had been set. The place settings were elegant and again, clearly the work of Loretta. Regan stood in the doorway looking at the simplicity, very different to the dinner with Caro, but this table was dressed to suit Regan's taste. Simplicity that took a lot of effort. Lots of thought and care had gone into the settings and she was happy. It was beautiful, elegant, chic, she thought as she took in the little details. They'd gone to a lot of trouble. And then she realised it was only set up for two.


"Hey." Gray said.

She smiled with happiness in her eyes. "This is incredible." She gestured behind her. Life was good at the moment.

Gray smiled. "Not my work."

"Lore?" She teased him, still smiling with happiness.

He nodded. He glanced at his watch. "Good to see you are early."

It was just gone past six. "Yes. I was expecting a dinner party, thought I could freshened up. You know. Dress up for the meal. Put on some make up." With a smile on her lips. She again gestured at the table, " Are we still having a dinner party. It is only set up for two."

"Kind of."

And Regan noticed his clothes and obviously he had showered and his hair was still slightly damp. Also he had shaved. He looked smart, but casual but still picture book perfect, again. "Kind of?" Her eyebrows winged skywards. He looked nervous.

He flicked his cuff back and glanced at his wristwatch. "er, Lore dropped off our dinner around six."

"Great. I enough time for me to shower and change." Then she blinked. "Dropped off our dinner?" She bit her lower lip to stop her tremble.

He ran his palm across his mouth and murmured, "Yes."

"Our? Meaning?"

"Me and you." He couldn't remember the last time he'd felt this happy.

"Me and you." She blinked. The layout was for her. The thought rattled around her brain.

"Just me and you?" She repeated. She looked back at the table. This was for her benefit.


"Ok, er..."

"Lore and granddad have a previous engagement." He seemed a touch more than nervous, and hoped she would accept the reasons.


"Yes. Granddad has a date. " He smiled. 

Seconds elapsed. She avoided his eyes. Dinner, just the two of them, she bit her lip, not sure if this was the best option.

"Lore said she would drop him at the exhibition, something they had arranged weeks ago, which was great for us, because she picked up the food order, and left with Granddad!"

Her next question was more puzzling, and a touch sad, "Oh dear, no celebratory dinner?"

He shook his head. "Of course, it is still on."

"It is?" She nibbled at her lips and looked over at the table and then back at him. Her mind was spinning around. His words were on a loop in her brain.

"Yes." He gestured at the setting.

"Just me and you?" Regan gulped, only for happiness to register in her brain. Her brain and heart had a tussle. Her mind was in an utterly whirl. Self protection and excitement vied for preference. "Thank you, Gray." She told him with genuine contentment as excitement won. She said somewhat awkwardly. "Can you give me ten minutes, to shower, and change?"

He nodded.

Why she did it, she didn't know. But she stood on tip toes and gently placed her lips against his. A light, hesitant touch. Both felt the tremble that went through them. "I wont be long."

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