chapter 39: the battle of Kamino

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"Hey Ben, do you know who Ahsoka Tano is?" Bella asked while still whispering. They only had a couple minutes left until until the first batch of clones would be done. "No not much I never knew her, old master Lukewarm told me stories of her bravery. One story particularly of when she was convicted of a crime." Bellan was very interested, "tell me." He did as she asked and took a deep breath and began to speak.(if you want to skip the story of star wars the clone wars season 6 finale then go to the next paragraph. For those who don't know the clone wars is a animated TV show which I highly recommend it if your a fan of the prequels or rebels. Back to bens story) "Ahsoka Tano was a young jedi padawan of Anakin for a couple years until one day it all changed. She received a call telling her and Anakin to come to the temple immediately. When they arrived at the temple master yoda said she was convicted of a crime. She was stripped from her status as a cokmander, she was no longer Anakin padawan and during the trial if she was found guilty, then she was to be killed. She escaped the entire army of the old Republic and befriended and old sith Lord named Asajj Ventress. Together they escaped again but Ahsoka was captured and broght to the temple, even then she never gave up hope and was as courageous as anyone could be before they were about to be murdered. At the last minute Anakin walked in revealing the person that actually do mitted the crime. It was Ahsoka's best friend Bariss Offee. After the trial was cancelled the jedi council welcomed her back, but they showed no emotion, no sorry or anything. Anakin personally begged her back she was tempted to join again, but didnt. She left the jedi order, her master, and the only life she ever knew. Let on in her life she became a-" Bellan interupted him to say "a grey jedi, yeah I know."

Ben looked at her confused how she knew. Bellan read his mind and wanted to tell him what she saw but she didnt, she couldnt, it was a direct order from a jedi. She couldn't disobey a jedi for Ben... could she? She decided to tell him and before she could open her mouth, she found she couldnt. It was held firmly in place with the force but Ben wasn't the one doing it. He looking at her even more confused then before. She made some muffled sounds while trying to speak but no luck.

"It's alright Bellan. Your sare."

Bellan relaxed and stopped trying to speak. Ben got up and moved over to the prime minister. Bellan focused all her attention to her mind and the voice. 'Who are you? Why are you doing this?' Bellan thought in her mind. It took a while vor the voice to answer but eventually it said "I am grey jedi Ahsoka Tano. I am her to guide you. For the most conflicted hearts they require more then just a master, they need a master to show them the force, yes. But conflicted hearts need mentors to show them their way, to guide them and that is why I'm here Bellan Kenobi. That is why I am here, I shall be your mentor." Bellan was taking it all in and remembered what Ezra had told her earlier. So she decided to ask 'why must I keep you a secret?' Again, Ahsoka took a while to respond but eventually she did. "All conflicted souls will be granted a master and mentor, and who's souls are more conflicted then the people who use the light and dark side of the force. Even the most powerful grey jedi's will receive a mentor in time, even Ben. We wanted it to be a surprise." All of it was starting to make sense now, and Bellan always did look up to Ahsoka mostly because her master admired her so much. Every night when she had a difficult time sleeping Rey would come in and sing her special song to her, and if that didn't work guess who would be the star of Bellan's bedtime story. Ahsoka- it was literally always Ahsoka. This time Bellan heard her mentors voice without her asking a question. "Take out your light saber young one." Normally Bellan would be offended by the use of the term 'young one' but it felt kind of soothing coming from Ahsoka's voice. Bellan could only hear Ahsoka, she couldn't see her. She pulled her light saber from her belt and activated it in the corner so there would be minimal light coming off it. "Close your eyes, feel the blade, what do you feel?" Ahsoka released the pressure from Bellan's lips so she could speak again. Ben glanced over at Bellan but turned back his attention to the making of the clones. Bellan waved around the heavy weapon staring at the completely white blade, but she was continuously fascinated by the fact her blade was white hut the glow it gave off was pitch black. She did as Ahsoka instructed and closed her eyes. "Now tell me padawan, what do you feel?" Ahsoka asked again. Bellancwaved took a moment before murmuring the words "light... The dark... The past... yet the future... warmth... cold... energy and... and... equality. Balance" she knew the saber she held was special from the moment she crafted it and know she knew why. Her saber represented the key to peace, true balance between the light and the dark. "Exactly, you feel it. In order to have peace everyone must embrace not just one side but both... as you will learn to do in time young Kenobi. Now you must get back to Ben and your new army. But don't fear, we will see each other again very soon." After ahsoka's words sunk in to Bellan she got up from her spot on the floor and walked over towards Ben. "Their ready. 500 clones are ready for battle sir." Ben smiled and walked over to the first batch of clones that came out on a . It was... amazingly perfect. It fit all of their needs. Instead the pitch black metal troopers, theirs was identical to Mandalorian armour, it was a shiny greyish platinum which was bullet proof and also kinda went with the whole grey jedi thing. (I'll upload a picture of a regular soldier at the end of this chapter to help you all with the story.) They all had streaks of black and white down their sides. And the streaks went along side the narrow eye and nose cut out in the helmet. They wore their armour on their chests, stomachs, shoulders, arms, legs, pretty much everywhere on their body. They all held blasters but these looked different. Instead of a normal length and width it was much bigger and required two hands to even hold it upright. But then again if it works, no one will complain. "These blasters are huge, but effective, their suits you ask? 100 percent blaster proof. And not only that, I was able to surpress the force in them to make them less independent and more obedient. This si definitely our finest work yet, no inhibitor chips, and not to mention the time, technology sure has changed over the years." The prime minister said. Ben and Bellan chuckled a bit before becoming serious again. Bellan stood kind of off to the side chuckling quietly to herself. "Okay, where are the rest of the units?" The prime ministers proud expression turned into a nervous one. "Would you like the good news sir? Or the bad news?" Bella stopped laughing and stepped closer to Ben. "Good!" Ya, no matter how good the news was the bad would dominate for sure. "Well the good news is there Andre hundreds of clones just outside this hallway on the conveyer belt. And the bad news is-" "I KNOW THE BAD NEWS!!!" Ben yelled back at him. He quickly regretted it not only because it was not diplomatic or responsible, Ben forgot there were hundreds of metal troopers and rely around the planet which was the bad news. They heard a knock at the door, it sounded like metal touching metal. "Who's in there, come out! Come out NOW!!!" They all heard the muffled voice say. Bellan stood behind Ben and squeezed his arm tightly. The prime minister ran to the back of the room and came back holding two decent sized blasters. He handed one to Bellan and kept the other, Bellan was hesitant to take it but she did. As soon as the minister let go her whole arm fell to the ground. Ben couldn't help but chuckle under his breath, when he was done he powered on his saber. Although Asa and Rey prefer two separate sabers Ben preferred his one long one. Bellan still held on to Ben's arm with her left hand but in her right hand she held her activated saber. It may not be fancy like everyone else's but it was hers and she loved it. Ben squeezed her little tiny hand and she let go. She placed both her hands on her saber, Ben held his long one firmly in his hand, and the prime minister held two blasters. Ben and Bellan raised their hands and force pushed the door open crushing many troopers in its path. The metal troopers started firing but Bellan and Ben blocked their shots and both stood protecting the minister who was shooting back at them to. Ben stood in front of the prime minister while Bellan jumped in the air, threw her saber like a boomerang slightly in all of the metal troopers in half. The prime minister directed the two grey's down the long clear hallway. They were all bent over because directly under them were all the metal troopers, they were examining the clones on the large conveyer belt that appears to go on forever. Luckily for the three of them the main frame controlling all the new clones was right down this hall. Ben broke down the door to the room holding the main frame computer and they all waltzed in. They paused where they were making sure no one else was in the room. They were clear. Bellan stood in front of the door while Ben and the prime minister rushed over to the computers. Prime minister was wiper in things to himself while hitting buttons at  record pace and Ben observed the screens the minister was tapping. "They're coming!" Bellan yelled as she started blocking blaster shots rapidly. She was only five years old yet she fought like an adult. Ben joined her and got in front when the prime minister yelled something. "I just made all the clones awaken sir, I programmed them and they are in attack mode ready to fight for us. They adult re down on the first level and ordered them to block off all the files exits, where is your ship located sir?" Ben and Bellan smiled, if the exits were blocked off that meant the clones would be close to the docking bay outside of each exit, therefore they would all be close to many, many transports on the docking bays. This couldn't be more perfect for them. The prime minister picked up his weapons and began firing along side Bellan who was standing in front of the minister protecting him. Ben was jumping and charging at metal troopers until he killed all of them, they moved swiftly down the hall. Bellan cut a hole through the clear glass and jumped through it, Ben followed although the prime minister was very hesitant. "JUMP!!!" Ben yelled, the minister finally did. Unfortunately in mid jump the prime minister was shot in the chest and quickly died. Ben still caught his body and laid him gently on the ground. Bellan blocked all the shots headed towards Ben and her, Ben got up all nd helped bellan, who was starting to grow a little tired. Just like the prime minister said, at the nearest exit they saw their clone troopers advancing an open fire on the metal troopers who were shooting at Ben and Bellan. "General Solo! THIS WAY!!!" One of them helled advancing Ben. All the metal troopers were destroyed so the two grey's flew advancing cross the room and headed out the door. They saw 2 transports and... AND THE FALCON!!! The transports were already almost fully packed with troopers Ben ran on to the first transport he saw with Bellan following him. Ben boarded the transport but Bellan stopped right before getting on the ship. "What about the falcon Ben? We're not just gonna leave it here, are we?" Ben didn't want to leave it on Kamino but he had to lead all the other transports to safety. "I'm sorry Bellan, but we have to go now. Get on." She didn't get on. When Ben ran out of patience he pulled he Ron the ship and they took off immediately not giving Bellan a chance to even process the gravity of the situation. Her having a 5 year old mind, she could only think about how heartbroken her master would be with it gone. Without thinking she jumped out of the transport with Ben yelling Bellan's name. She ran down to the Falcon, used the force to lift the ramp, ran into the ship and started up the engines. She kept repeating "remember Poe's lessons, remember Poe's lessons." To herself. She turned up the thrusters and followed Be n's transport and all the others out. She was behind them by a lot, but still managed to catch up. Ben was guiding the new fleet out of Kamino. Off to Corosaunt that go.

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