chapter 36: The Ventress sisters

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"Rey, she is alive, all of them are... they're looking for something... they're looking for us! Come on if we hurry we can catch them before they reach the top floor, COME ON!!!" Ben dragged Rey's arm until she started running by herself, wiping tears on her way. Poe and Rose followed with questioning looks on their faces. Sure enough when they entered the main entrance hall they saw all of their friends aiming for the elavator. They pressed the button and walked in, Ben and everyone else was yelling for them but no one could hear except for the couple of senators staring at them. They were on they're way into the trap meant for Rey. Rey heard everyone discussing the subject like they actually had time. "So...... what are we going to do." "Well we could go back through the window. Or we could-". "No time! Ben follow me!" Rey yelled. She sprinted towards the elevator and cut a hole to the side of the doors. Ben ran after her and Rey hopped into the small hole she created. Ben shrugged and climbed in behind her, when he got in she wasn't there. He looked up and saw her leaping in the air after the elevator. "How do you even jump that high?" Ben asked through their bond. He didn't really expect an answer, and he didn't get one. He knew there was no possibility he could jump that high, so he stayed down staring intently, ready to catch her if she fell. She was still in mid air, but slowing down, she was falling. "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" screamed Rey. Ben's first reaction was to catch her, but before he could do anything Rey pulled out her light saber and ignited both sides together. She had one hand hanging by her side and the other arm tightly grasping her on really long light saber which slowed down her fall. She powered off her saber and fell a couple feet to the floor. "Okay plan B....................... do you have a plan B?" Ben asked her. She smirked and nodded. "Yep, it's called force pulling!" She held out her hands and started pulling down the elevator back towards them. Ben smiled and helped her pull it down. It was working even with the tremendous pressure from the elevator trying to pull itself up to the top floor. It got closer and closer, until it was at least 20 feet off the ground. Rey stopped pulling, jumped in the air, and grabbed a hold of the bottom part. "Keep it still, don't let it go up or down. I'm going in!" She yelled down back at Ben. He nodded and she took out her saber, only using one blade this time to cut a hole in the elevator floor. "Hang tight Bellan, I'm coming."


"What are they going to think of us, losing a battle of 4 to 1 where we had the upper hand! We are the worst padawans ever. My sister would be so disappointed in me." Asa said to the others. Gio was shocked by the word sister. "I'm sorry did you just say sister as in, American your sister that just tried to kill you." Bellan was more concerned by the fact As a feared Rey. She tried to calm As a down by whispering "Calm down, I know my master. She may get upset but it won't be towards us, it'll be towards Amer and herself for the fact she trusted her. She won't be mad or disappointed you have my word, if anything she'll be releaved we're safe." Everyone nodded except Gio who was still in shock. "I'm sorry your sister sister, the one that just tried to kill us. Seriously your afraid she will be disappointed, can I just point out again... SHE JUST TRIED TO KILL US!!! It's insane that your afraid she would be disappointed and not Rey or Ben or anyone else in the entire galaxy." Bellan and Asa glared at him intently. "I wasn't talking about her, I was talking about our older sister Alis. She was a couple years older then us but even if I was talking about Amer she is still my sister and I love her. Even if she hates me ill always love her. And for your information i-" Asa was cut off by the sounds of a light saber. Chewie roared and started trembling, Gio tried comforting Chewie while the girls looked around to see where it was coming from. They couldn't find anything until Bellan lost her balance and fell. She was caught by a hand, it was Asa's. She pulled her back up to quickly for Bellan to see who was making the hole. "Rey?" They all asked in unison. Bellan reached forward and gave her a quick hug, but when she pulled away she had a sad look on her face. "Bellan, what's wrong?" Rey asked. Bellan looked into her eyes, "master Amer got away on, on........ on the Falcon." Rey gasped and almost fell backwards. "I knew it! I knew shed be upset, I knew she be disappointed by us!" Gio practically screamed. Rey didn't move to the surprising comment she just stayed stone faced until Bellan helped her to her feet. "No it's not that I'm not disappointed I'm releaved your okay it's just....It's just ............... OUR DROIDS WERE ON THAT SHIP!!! Amer is going to find them eventually so what we do, we have no plan, no ship now, and the worst part is we don't even know where they're at." Everyone looked down at their feet, they felt weak, destroyed, defeated. Well almost everyone was looking down, Go was beaming with a smile that made Rey sick. "Well yes if you didn't have a smart, handsome, charming young man who cleverly is tracking it as we speak." Everyone cheered and Rey cracked a smile but with all the excitement happening she forgot about poor Ben. "Right, everybody out come on, move move move." Rey helped everyone at until the only one left was Gio. "Ya, umm I don't really know how to do the flippy, jumpy stuff they do." Rey sighed and stepped closer. "This is a one time thing you hear me!" She said to him. Gio was confused, but his confusion cleared when she grabbed him by the waist. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, she had one hand hanging from the elevator swinging left and right. She kept swinging higher until she dropped kicking from one side to the other as she landed on the ground. She immediately dropped Gio and ran over to everyone else. She gave Ben a quick kiss and picked up Bellan. "Come here you little space monkey." Rey said chasing Bellan out of the hole she cut through the elevator door. The rest followed her out of the hole, well Chewie had a little trouble but he made it out in one piece. "Okay Gio, show us what ya got." Asa said to him as she laughed at Rey scooping up Bellan and placing her on her shoulders. "Okay now everyone's- Finn."

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