chapter 32: the new Republic

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She knew Ben would survive, somehow she just knew but that didn't mean he couldnt get captured or even tortured like he used to be by snoke. Rose lifted her to her feet and Gio handed her a water. Rose sat her on the leather seat and she knew it wasn't ye right time to ask but she couldn't help but wonder. "He seems lovely, who is he?" Rey looked into her eyes, she did really want to know. "If you must know, he is Ben Solo or you may know him better as... Kylo ren. But don't worry, do you remember the day the resistance triumphed on Exogal. He sacrificed himself to save me and also on that day I had turned him to the light side of the force. He is safe now, he wouldn't hurt a fly" she said calmly. Talking about Ben was calming her down, but it was not the same for Rose. Rose leaned back in disbelief and shook her head over and over again. Finn and Poe put a hand on her shoulder and held her still. "Don't worry, she is telling the truth, she killed Kylo ren and brought back Ben Solo. Just like Leia always wanted. Rose, he saved all of our lives, Rey's more then once, he has changed. And when he arrives on Corosaunt he might surprise you if you give him a chance." Finn finished. Roses expression lightened and she put her hand on Finn's and nodded. So I know Ben Solo, what about them" she said pointing to Bellan, Asa, and Gio. Bellan happily danced over and shook Roses hand wildly. "Hi I'm Bellan, Rey main apprentice, I'm excited to meet you. Rey, Poe, and especially Finn talk about you a lot. The rest of them introduced themseves, not explain their background to her and they were making their final approach towards Corosaunt.


"Come on Chewie, what do you mean the recorder isn't working. We need it or Gerildine's sacrifice will be for nothing. Come on hurry up please, we have to love and get the evidence or all of this is for absolutely nothing!" Ben yelled at the walking carpet. Chewie made an angry sounding roar at him and punched the hyper drive.  I almost have it just 1... more, Chewie now record NOW SHE'S RIGHT OUTSIDE!" Chewie pressed the red button and  pointed it towards the young ewe who was face to face with 2 metal troopers. There mission was complete so he ran to the back of the ship climbing into the shooting seat. He buckled in and shot down some tie fighters, but he felt sad all of the sudden, but it wasn't his sadness, it was Rey's so he did the first thing he could think of and say in his mind "I love you." He shot 3 more TIE's in the air while chewing was on the ramp recording the metaltroopers. Geraldine was brave and she will be honored for her sacrifice. Chewie had to witness her being shot repeatedly with blood gushing out of her stomach. Luckily she only suffered for a minute before her pain ended. She laid on the floor, lifeless. Chewie ran back in the ramp and sat in the co-pilots seat and handed the footage to Ben. Ben smiled at him before saying, "Chewie, PUNCH IT". And just like that they were off to Corosaunt.


The transports had just landed and the new chancellor was coming to greet them. The ramp lowered and everyone walked out except Rey and Poe. "Don't worry Rey, Ben's pretty tough if anyone can handle it he can" is what he told her while patting her back. She nodded but stayed seated for a brief moment until she heard talking among Rose and the others. She  out hear much but she heard something like "jedi master Skywalker and... Solo" is what she thought she heard. Suddenly everyone was surrounding her and Rose held out a hand to Rey. She took her hand and stood up while Rose formally stated, "Chancellor Vary, meet jedi master Rey Skywalker, former commander of the resistance, and a good friend of mine. She helped defeat the first and final order and now she trains a new generation of jedi. I have no doubt that she will tell the truth, even if it is harsh and terrifying." Rose finished. Vary stared at her for a moment before bursting into a huge smile and lunged forward to shake her hand. "Well what a pleasure it is to meet you young Rey. Is it true that you are a jedi knight?" he asked her. She wondered why he needed to confirm if Rose had literally just told him she was, but it hit her. She was not a jedi knight, she was a grey jedi master. "Please don't take this the wrong way sir but I am no jedi knight. I am a new or... old really... type of jedi called a grey jedi master. They sound similar but are not the same in any way. But I would like to hear more about how the Republic is doing these days. Are things well?" He took a while to respond, he looked like he was in deep thought. They all walked to the main Republic entrance, then he responded, "Oh yes, things couldn't be going ore perfectly."


"Alright Chewie, we're making our final approach to Corosaunt, and honus. We're both still in one piece to. Alright Chewie, what do you say." He opened a little red velvet box and flashed a beautiful ring, 2 light blue saphires, 2 fiery rubies, and one big white beautiful diamond in the middle. Chewie happily roared so loud he was pretty sure they could hear him in jedi heaven. "Do you think she'll say yes, I hope she will. I love her so much and well... its kind of embarrassing. I want to propose before she starts training Go because, well I feel a little threatened. I mean anyone could look in his eyes and tell he has feelings for Rey despite barely knowing her. Besides that, I love her so much and Han has passed, along with Luke and Leia. The only other person left who I could possibly ask is you. Uncle Chewie, may I have your blessing to marry Rey, please." Chewie flipped over his chair and roared even louder then the first time. He lunged forward to hug Ben so tightly he almost passed out. "Okay, I'm taking that as a yes. *chuckles* thanks Chewie, now act like you just had the most boring flight ever." Chewbacca slumped over his shoulders and leaned over whining a little. "Perfect, lets go" said Ben as he lowered the ramp.


"Ben!" Rey yelled back running away from the capital building. Everyone except Rey and Bellan continued to walk with Rose and some other guy in a fancy robe. She jumped up to hug him and Bellan joined in to. "Rey, I got it. I've got the evidence but first I have-" Her face beamed with excitment and she interpret him saying "Yes, now come on the Senate just started the meeting, their discussing our situation right now, come on hurry!" She said while pulling his arm. He jerked away noticing Bellan, but Rey didn't mind, she just continued on without him. "Hey, you okay?" he asked Bellan. She shook her head no. "It's just, today was the first day in a week I got a lesson, and it wasn't even a lesson just a review. I don't need the basics, I need comnat, I need experience. But I can't do that sitting on the sidelines because everyone thinks I'm this little helpless 5 year old girl. It's outrageous, it's unfair, I know I could be more powerful if I had proper training, I feel as if I'm being held back!" Just then Ben had finally realised why his uncle tried to murder him, to protect others, but he wouldnt make that mistake again. He had to find a way to fix the growing darkness in her heart before it was to late, before she turned into a mini Kylo ren, or worse. A mini vader.


"It is a tragedy what has happened on Ahch-to and now Endor as well. Jedi master Ben Solo has retrieved all of the evidence you need, Mr. jedi" exclaimed the chancellor as he resented Ben to the senate. Ben stepped forward away from his seat next to Bellan. "I have captured footage of a metal stormtrooper, or as we call them metal troopers kill a young ewok on the planet of Endor while we were making our escape." He placed the file on the big hologram screen and played the video. Some were watching with content and amazment while others were looking away from the graphic scene. Ben dragged the file out of the container and tossed it to Bellan. "As you can see, they are all made of a metal material that can deflect blaster shots. They are not regular weak minded stormtroopers, but they aren't intelligent either. And they are not superior to anyone who has a light saber which is strong and hot enough to pierce through metal and skin, destroying the trooper. You must help us, there are only 2 grey Jedi masters, me and Miss. Skywalker. We are training 3 people to become grey's also, Asa Ventress, Dr. Gio, and Bellan Kenobi. We are powerful but we cannot fight a war, you must create an army of the repunlic, but the metal troopers aren't even the worst news I have. Old emporer Palpatine has  returned, and is without a doubt leading this grand army. Please vote, we need all the help we can get. This is our most desperate hour, help us senators, your our only hope." After Ben just realised he quoted his mom he expected everyone to hang their heads low in sadness, but they actually aplauded him. He sat down next to Rey and Bellan, satisfied with himself. "You did good Ben, your mom would be proud if she saw you of all people giving a speech to the senate." commented Rey. She was right, he could feel his mother's happiness, even though she was far away he could feel it. "Well I am her son after all" he said back. She leaned on his arm mumbling something, but he couldn't hear her. Bellan sat to the side admiring how cute they looked. "Thank you, master Solo. With that evidence we will now take a vote. All in favor of a grand army for the Republic, select yay on your holoscreen. All against select nay. We will take 5 minutes for all votes to be counted, begin!"

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