chapter 31: a senators escape

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Hearing the news that Rose had brought to them made Rey feel uneasy but also very excited. "Alright, we need to split up to find Ben so he can translate for us. Once we find him, he'll tell the ewoks the situation and if they have more ships. Then we will start the evacuation." ordered Rey. All 3 of them hurried off in different directions but Rey remembered her force bond with Ben and had an idea. She stood in place thinking about Ben and only where he was. She found it! He was out outside the main emtrance, with all of her students. She ran after Poe and Finn shouting "THIS WAY! FOLLOW ME!" Both of them quickly followed her through the hallway to the big trees outside. All of the ewoks were still gathered around in a huddle. She approached Ben telling him everything Rose told her but very breathy due to all the running. He stood up and rushed over to her, "is that what you want me to tell them, because I will if you want me to. This sounds dangerous and we do need to evacuate, but if we don't get evidence it's always just going to be us escaping and them training king us down and us escaping over and over again. So how are we to evacuate and get proof Rey." She looked at her feet almost ashamed what the answer was. "Your right. I have a plan but it... It requires a loss and Jorimine probably not like it. My plans that everyone will be aboard the milinium falcon except for one volunteered ewok. That ewok is going to stay hidden until we are all in the ship, then once we're all safe and I give the signal he jumps out to fight them while I record him and the metal stormtrooper" finished Rey. "It's a metal trooper. We should call them metal troopers" said Bellan very calmly. Rey nodded.


Bellan didn't know how to process what she was hearing but all her thoughts were interpret by "metal stormtrooper." She corrected Rey and stood up. "Come on, let's go pack our things" she said to Gio and Asa. Rey smiled at her briefly before saying something else to Ben. She couldn't hear what because she was already half way to her room. She entered and gathered all the pieces of clothes the ewoks had given her. Along with the old jedi texts she smuggled off of Ahch-to. She brushed the  over off one that said "the dyad of the century." This was the only book that Rey had never read because she had to leave with Poe and Finn all those years ago to find the sith way finder. She had dragged her full bag across the dirt back to Rey and Ben who were now standing in front of the ewoks, every single eye in the forest was glued on him and Rey. One of the ewoks had chirped back at Ben, it must have been good news because he smiled before returning back to his usual straight face. "Perfect, it's settled then, Geraldine will be our hero. Thank you Geraldine you have done the... the... Republic a great favor." shouted Rey. The little ewok nodded before turning to say goodbye and hug his other little ewok friends and family. Rey couldn't help but  cry knowing the feeling that Geraldine was going through. Geraldine cried, and Rey cried for her.


Before giving the speech and Ben translator her she noticed Finn had snuck off to the AT-AT. Not the one where his temporary room was, but the one they had just been in when receiving the message from Rose. No one else was in the room to witness Finn dialing Roses coordinates. When she answered she looked very surprised to see him. "Oh, hey Finn how are you doing, are you preparing for the evacuation yet?" she asked him. He nodded in reply and said "I am fine, yes we are in mid-evacuation and I need a favor."


After Finnis had finished talking to Rose, Poe walked in the room. "Hey buddy, Rey's talking about the escape plan, wanna help me get the falcon ready." Finn nodded and left the room and went towards Ben who was already working on the falcon's motivator. Poe and Finn were hesitant at first, they didn't feel very comfeterble around him without Bellan or Rey with them to. So they turned around but they stopped in their tracks when they heard Ben say "it's okay, I don't bite. I could actually use some help." That was the most words he had ever spoke to either of them. They walked up to him and sat down next to him. They were amazed at how he was doing wonders for the falcon so effortlessly. "Well to be fair I am the son of Han Solo the best smuggler and star pilot in the galaxy who lived on this ship. And the son of Leia Skywalker the beloved princess, senator, war general, and almost a jedi knight. I practically grew up on this ship, it's all just become natural for me" he said quietly to them. Poehler wanted to ask so badly the question he had rattling around his brain since Leia died. "It's okay, whatever it is you can ask me. I promise I won't pull out my saber and... well you know" Ben said with a chuckle. But Poe had a feeling he wouldn't be laughing when Ben heard the question. Poe took a deep breath and whispered "what was she like when she was younger?" Ben stopped what he was doing to try and think how to respond. "Well, she was a loving mother and wife. She was certainly dedicated to her work and back then she still called Chewie a big walking carpet" he said laughing at the end. Poe and Finn joined in laughing and helped Ben with the motivator.


Rey gathered around Ben, Poe, Finn, Bellan, Asa, and Gio and told them to load their stuff on the ship and get it prepared for departuere. Ben said he had hot wired the motivator to give the light speed an extra boost just in case. Rey gathered all the ewoks as Ben walked towards her. So you talked to your friend about what other ships she'll bring right?" Rey looked at him in confusion, what other ships was he talking about she thought, it's not like there were hundreds of ewoks, just this handful, right? Ben ran away for a moment but when he came back he came with hundreds of them behind him. Rey almost fainted. She was so worried about the evidence and the sacrifice she forgot to even count to see of there was enough room, but by now it was to late to call for transports. The, well Palpatine was on their way when she talked to Rose, they were probably about to enter the atmosphere as they speaked. "REY, REY WE HAVE A PROBLEM, LOOK" screamed Poehler to her as he pointed to the sky. She had spoke to soon, 5 ships just popped out of light speed and is coming down to them. "Everybody hide, ewoks go hide, Ben and everyone else ready your weapons, NOW" she screamed at them. The ewoks couldn't understand her but they knew what they had to do, Please hid behind a rock holding Bellan behind the rock. She was trying to get up and run to Rey but poetry held her steady behind the rock as he readied his blaster. Ben and Rey stood back to back like they did in the tone room so long ago, they held their sabers tight in their hands. Finn, Asa and Gio were no where in sight, hopefully on the falcon. The main plane landed and 4 other smaller ones behind it. The ramp began to open and to everyone's surprise the same young lady they saw on the hologram came out with 5 guards behind her. It was Rose. "Greetings, we have much to discuss" said the young senator.


"Come now, Palpable will be here any minute, get the eos to aboard my other ships, Rey, will you and your friends accompany me on my ship please?" asked the senator. Rey nodded and leaped to hug her old friend. Rose hugged her back but there seemed to be an extra set of arms in the hug. They turned away to see Finn whispering "you came you actually came. She nodded and kissed him on the cheek. "I missed you to but there will be another time later for hello's, right now we have to get everyone off the planet before its to-" she was cut off in mid sentence by the roaring sound of 1... no 3... no 20 star destroyers. Ben started chirping and squeaking at them, then they came out and ran on to the little ships that would carry them away from their doom. Asa and Gio came out from the Falcon. "Get your stuff and load it onto the main transport. We leave in 3 minutes!" screamed Rey. They did as she advised and boarded the ship, everyone except
Ben was aboard. "Ben?" Rey asked him quietly. He looked to his feet as he said, "Rey, I can't leave the falcon behind, it's my home. Someone has to take it to Corosaunt, nd who better to fly Han Solo's ship then his own son. Don't worry Rey, I will be right behind you the whole time, go with your friends, I'll be okay." he said to her. She wanted to argue but she also knew he was right, about everything. All she had to say was "take Chew ie to, please. I know the falcon is in good hands, and paws." There was no sound for a second as it felt like time froze. "Begin the sequence to Corosaunt" yelled Rose over the engines. The ship began to take off but Rey quickly jumped off and ran to Ben. "REY" Finnis screamed, but she continued to run. She jumped in his arms and whispered "I love you" before kissing him goodbye, possibly forever. She leaped almost 60 feet in the air and landed on the transport and she heard the captain say "preparing to jump to lightspeed". She sat on the floor and began to cry as her friends so rounded her and held her in their arms. She stopped crying when she heard a voice in her head. "I love you to" it said, Ben said.

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