Chapter 27|| School Drools.

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Caroline's POV
I put on my favorite blue tank top with the layers and match it with jean shorts. I put my hair in a side braid that goes down my shoulder. I have some sunglasses to match but I am wearing my glasses. I put on my gold phone case and my grey toms. Then I walk downstairs. Logan has on a tank top that is creme but sort of aztec designed at the top and puts on matching pink shorts. She straightens her hair so it is not as messy. I notice how she is painting her nails a pink color too. My nails already match, they are gold. Logan also has white sandals. Her phone case is pink that I got her. It also has white polka dots.

"You look cute, Logan." I compliment.

"Aww thanks Carrie. You look great too." Cassie and JD have been staying here for awhile so Cass is driving us to school. I hop in the middle seat, inbetween Carter and Ethan. Logan gets the front seat. When we arrive at the elementary school, I unbuckle E.

"Cassie, Logan, Carter, and I can walk to school from here. Bye Cassie." I tell her as we all get out of the car.

"Bye guys. I will see you after school." We wave as she drives off. Then we drop Ethan off at preschool and walk over to the middle school.

We find our friends, we sit in a group with Maria, Charlette, or Charlie, and Lauren.

"Aww you all look so cute with glasses." Maria says as we sit down.

"Yeah! I love them." Charlie agrees.

"They make you all look so pretty." Lauren confirms.

"Thank you guys." Logan thanks.

"Yeah, we were really nervous." I tell them. They all laugh.

"Why were you nervous?" Charlie asks. "You all look gorgeous."

"Thanks but I do not believe you." Logan looks down at her perfectly painted toes.

"Oh c'mon Logan, you look fab." Maria insists.

"Thanks Maria." Logan thanks. Then the bell rings and class starts.


After school, I call Mom to see if Maria, Charlie, and Lauren can come over.

"Hey mom." I call.

"What's up Carrie?" She asks.

"The sky. Just kidding mom." I joke. "Can Maria, Charlie, and Lauren come over so we can work on homework?" I ask.

"That is fine with me. Tell Carter he can do what he wants too." She tells me. "It is a good thing JD took the van. She will be here in a couple of minutes.

"Thanks mom. Bye." I hang up a little after everyone else does. They all tell me that they can come over. I look and see Carter walking out with two of his friends, Connor and Jack. They are both annoying.

"Hey Logan, did you call mom?" Carter asks Logan.

"No, I did." I answer him, "Mom said you can do what you want."

"Okay, tell her I am going to Connor's house. Mrs. Cantle will take me home." Carter tells me.

"Okay bye." Then all of us girls get in the car. I sit in the front this time.

"Hey JD. Why isn't Cassie here?" I ask.

"Oh so you don't want me?" He pretends to be hurt.

"No, we want you, I just am wondering." I tell him.

"Oh Cassie went into early labor, sorta, she is do in about a week." JD explains.

"That is awesome!" Logan cheers. My phone buzzes and so does Logan and JD. I look at it and see that Cassie texted me a picture of a sweet little boy. Carson Lucas is his name.

"Aww." Logan and I say at the same time. Logan and I show all of our friends. He is too cute. He has soft ashy blonde hair and big brown eyes. Baby's rule. School Drools.

Hey guys. I am updating like I told you I would. Bye guys👋

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