Chapter 15: Pregnant

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Hazel's POV
Beep. I hear the pregnancy test. I slowly get up to look. Positive. It reads. I am pregnant with a boy or girl. I scream really loud.

"Hazel are you okay?" Gus asks as he runs into the bathroom.

"GUS WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A BABY!" I shout. He hugs me, then he kisses me passionately on the lips.

"How are we going to tell the kids?" Gus asks.

"Okay, well how about we have a dinner party at our house and after playing some games and hanging out we tell them the news." I suggest. Gus nods and goes to call Isaac. I cannot wait to meet just now 3 year old, Lauren, their daughter. It is about 3 p.m right now and they will be coming at 3:30 so I go down to the kids room to get them ready.

"Guys, Lauren, Uncle Isaac, and Auntie Kate are coming over." I tell them. They cheer. I put Caroline and Logan in matching floral dresses that go their knees. I left their brown, once blonde, hair in its super curly curls. For Carter I spike up his blonde hair and put him in a blue polo with khakis. I go to my room and put on a crop top that is navy with white high waisted jeans and heels. When I get downstairs I see that Kaitlin is wearing almost the same thing. I see that Lauren's light brown hair is in 2 little braids and she is wearing a pink dress.

"Hi Lulu." I greet. She gives me a big hug.

"Hello Auntie Hazel." She kisses me cheek and I laugh.

"You are getting so big." I tell her.

"That is because I eat my veggies and drink my milk." Lauren says proudly. Everyone around the room laughs. We sit down and play a couple of board games and watch TV. Then we eat our delicious meal of hotdogs and hamburgers. After that, I gather everyone around.

"Okay so Gus and I have some big news." I pause, "I am pregnant."Everyone erupts in cheers."

"Yep and tomorrow she is going to the appointment." Gus announces.

"Ooohhh Momma can we come." Caroline asks.

"Sure, hun." I respond they cheer and dance around.

+At the appointment+

"Hazel Grace Waters." The doctor calls. Our whole family stands up and follows her into room 4.

"when did you find out you were pregnant." The doctor asks.

"Yesterday." I answer.

"Have you been having symptoms?" She questions.

"Yeah, morning sickness." I respond.

"Well everything sounds normal. Let's check this baby out." The doctor starts the scan.

"Oh yeah. I am doctor Bree by the way." She tells me.

"Good to know." I answer.

"Well, your baby is 2 months old. It is perfectly healthy. Come back in to months for the gender." Bree happily tells us.

"Okay thanks again Bree." We walk home together.

+At The House+
"Hey kids, do you want to do a name game?" I ask.

"Yes! Yes!" They all chant. Even Gus.

"Okay Caroline think of one boy name and one girl name." I say.

"For a girl I want Peyton Ruth and for the boy I want Jackson James." Caroline names.

"Cute! Okay now Carter." Gus replies.

"Ummm... for the boy I want Ethan Brody and for the girl I want Hope Carter." Carter smiles.

"Now Logan." I announce.

"Hmm.. For a girl a Hadlee Mae and for the boy Holden James." I really like Logan's.

"Okay we will decide the winner when the time comes." Gus says, making the kids groan. But I laugh

Y'all need to help me decide the name. In the comments or messages. Whatever. AAAHHH 600 reads I love all of you guys. Let's get this story to 1,000

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