Chapter 11: Home Sweet Home

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I changed how the kids looked because I like this better and I wanted you all to see Mason.

Logan and Caroline are identical. They both have blonde hair that is most likely going to be light brown when they are older. They have shining brown eyes that captivate you with their beauty. The girls always care for everyone and are warm, welcoming, and helpful.

Carter and Mason were identical too. They both had blonde hair that could turn brown or stay blonde. Their eyes were a silvery blue that always stood out when they smiled. Carter is very helpful too. Carter has a charming personality and is welcoming too.

Gus' pov
I wake up and look at the clock in the hospital and see it is 7 in the morning. All of the kids are awake but they are all on Logan's bed.
"Hey guys. Why don't I help all of you get dressed an we an check out and leave." I suggest.
"Okway" They all respond. I put Logan in a cute teal short sleeved shirt with a bow near the shoulder and a pink skirt. Then I put Caroline in the same outfit except for hers is a pink top with a blue skirt. Then I put a blue bow in Lo's blonde curly hair and a pink bow in Caroline's blonde curly hair. Then I put Carter in a cute brown polo and some khaki shorts. I give them each a muffin and we leave the hospital. I took care of the insurance and got a rental car that is really awesome. I load them into the car, putting Carter in the backseat and we begin to drive off.
"So kiddos do you still want to visit your Grammy and Grandpa." I ask.
"YWES" They scream. I make a u-turn and drive the other way. We were almost all the way their when our car flipped. So it only takes a few minutes to get to their house. And it is really close to the hospital incase something happens. I get to the front door but right before I knock my ma opens it.
"Mom." I say as I hug her. Then I hug my dad.
"I am gonna grab our stuff really quick. Then I will explain why we are late." I call out as I get the stuff then I walk back inside. I put everyone's belongings where they go.
"Gus, honey, it was all over the News sweetie we know what happened." My mom explains.
"Oh okay well that save us some time." I then look at my phone to see 47 missed calls from Isaac and 78 from Katelyn 59 from Hazel's parents. Oops.
"Hey Ma can I call some people back they must be worried." I ask.
"Sure honey." She responds. I call everyone on a group call and explain what happened and how we are doing. Then I walk back inside.

This is just a filler chapter. Sorry guys. But I am really disappointed in this story I have the same amount of chapters in my Everlark story but I have 700 more reads on that one. I will keep posting but I am still really disappointed.

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