Chapter 2:BABIES

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Hazel's pov

Today is the day of my wedding and I could not be any happier. I pull on my beautiful dress that has a belt with a Hawaiian flower on one side. It is really very pretty and I love it. It goes to about my knees. I have managed to grow my hair out to about my shoulders so I curl and put on some light makeup. I just cannot wait but I have too because the flower girl, one of Gus's nieces, and the ring bearer, one of Gus's nephews have to walk down. Then Kaitlyn my maid of honor walks down with Isaac, Gus's best man. Then Gus' sisters go down with one of my old friends from school and Gus' friends. Then I begin to walk down, everyone stands but Augustus just smiles. The venue is so beautiful. Gus is under a rose decorated gazebo and the aisle is white with little pink flowers from the flower girl, and the then the best thing of all is my sexy many Gus.

Gus' pov

Hazel is hawt. I just wanna kiss her so damn much. But we are in our wedding and I will get to kiss her soon. When she gets up here the wedding begins. When it is time for the vows I pull out a piece of paper but quickly rip it up.

"You know what I don't need a paper to say how much I love you Hazel Grace.

Hazel Grace Lancaster, you are my life. I cannot express how much I truly love you. I have loved you ever since I laid my eyes on you and I cannot say it wasn't the best day of my life. Not to mention you are carrying not my one but my four children. Hazel Grace you have made an infinity with in my days and I cannot thank you enough."

The priest gestures toward Hazel, "Augustus Waters, you are my life. When I had cancer you stayed by my side and loved me. Now I cannot express how happy I am to be carrying your children and give birth to them in just a few days. I love you so much and thank you for our infinity." Hazel finishes.

"You may kiss the bride." The priest says at last and I grab my newly wed wife and give her the most passionate kiss yet. I can hear everyone cheer around us and Hazel breaks the kiss so we can walk down the aisle together, at least that is why I thought she let go but then I hear everyone gasp.

"Gus, my water broke." She says before she screams in pain. I hurry and we run to the car and I drive as fast as I can to the hospital

I hold one of my girls and one of my boys and Hazel does the same. The boys have My caramel hair and the girls have Hazels dirty blonde hair. The girls have my brown eyes and the boys have Hazel's hazel eyes.

"Hey Gus, what are we gonna name them." Hazel asks. Once we name them the hospital ladies will put a wristband with their name it on them so we know which is which.

"Ummm... How about we name that boy Carter Isaac Waters." I say pointing at the boy I chose. Hazel goes put to him with a sharpie and puts Carter on his crib.

"Let's name this girl Caroline Monica Waters." I nod my head as she writes Caroline on that crib.

"What about Logan Renae Waters for our other girl." I suggest. Then Hazel smiles and walks over to the other girls crib and writes her name.

"I love the girl name Logan. The other boy should be Mason Mathew Rogers." Hazel says.

"They are all so adorable." I say.

"I know they are sooo worth all of that suffering." Hazel says.

"I know and they were born on our wedding day." I respond. We stand their for a moment just taking in the beauty of our 4 children. I know one thing for sure, I can't wait til the next one.

"Hazel are you still gonna want more kids?" I ask.

"Yeah but let's wait until they are about 2." She answers.



Hazel's pov

These babies are so easy going. I thought this would be hard but they all eat around the same time and poop around the same time. Gus still has to work so I am sometimes left alone with them but a lot of them time either one of Gus's sisters come, Kaitlyn, or even our parents. I have to say that the girls are a lot less needy then the boys. Caroline and Logan rarely cry and Mason and Carter cry like all the time. These kids are just life though. Gus and I are soon gonna need a bigger house and we found a great one in the city of Panem but we decided to wait a couple years before we move there. Maybe one day though...

Hey guys I hope you all like this chapter. I tried really hard on it and it took me a long time to think of the names so please vote and comment, I luv all of you🎀 bye


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