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Two hours.

Two hours of nothing. Tony and Bruce did however get to hear a very amusing argument between who they are guessing are Donnelley and her partner. The tracker seemed to have problems processing the address, or even just the street of where they are on. "Stark, I thought you'd say this was gonna be quick?" Banner yawned and stretched out in his rolling chair. Tony rolled his eyes at Bruce once again complaining.

"Well, how was I suppose to know it was gonna take this long to get an address?!" Tony argued back, rubbing his eyes softly. They have been down in the lab for two hours, not moving, and hardly ever made a sound. The only sound Tony remembers them making was Bruce's complaining. "Speaking of which, have we gotten anything yet?" Stark rose a brow, looking over Bruce's shoulder.

Bruce checked for like the fourth time. "No, I-wait! I think we've got something" Stark looked closer at the screen to notice an address on the bottom left hand corner. "The garage is by Main Street."

"Well, what are we doing here? Let's go and find that son of a-"

The elevator dinging interrupted Tony's sentence. The young brown haired boy made his way out of the elevator, causing Stark and Banner to look in his direction. "Pete, what are you doing down here?" The nine year old took a minute or so to respond, looking around the lab as if he hasn't been down here before. Stark swears he's showed Parker the lab, but then again a lot as happened within the last week.

"Mrs.Potts told me to come tell you dinner's ready" The Parker boy finally answered innocently. Before the two could respond, the boy looked behind them, noticing the computers. "What are you to doing in here?" The boy questioned with a tilt of the head.

"Uh, nothing" Stark replied. "Pete, go tell Pepper that we are gonna be late to dinner. We have something we have to do before it may be to late." Peter stared at the two superheroes for a second, before nodding and walked on his merry way. No questions asked, just took Stark's answer. "Come on" Stark started grabbing all he needed before the two ran off.


The girls heard yelling coming from down the dark hallway Donnelley and Price he went down not so long ago. The grown woman exchanged weird looks has they all tried to make out what was being said. While failing to do so, the yelling soon stopped and a loud slam of a door echoed throughout the whole garage. Donnelley soon came out from the darkness, looking like a mess.

Donnelley noticed all the concerned stares the dark hallway was getting. She could just imagine what they are thinking. "What in the world did you do to Price?" May questioned, trying her best to sound concerned. It wouldn't surprise Donnelley if they thought she had murdered him, given all the yelling and screaming they were doing.

"None of your business, Parker" she said through gritted teeth, definitely not in the mood for any questioning. Donnelley made her way towards the big van of her's, gaining stares from the only other people left. Ignoring the stares and the unwanted attention, Donnelley hopped in the vehicle, and without a single word, drove off, the garage door closing behind her.


Stark had suited up before leaving the building, flying over New York listening to the gpa. Banner drove his way over, cause he didn't see the need into "hulking up" just yet. It didn't take that long for the two to find themselves in front over several different garages. Stark landed just in time to meet Banner, who had just gotten out of his car. "This must be it" Stark examined their surroundings carefully. No sign of Donnelley just yet, but that doesn't mean anything. She could be inside one of these garages.

"Yeah, remember the garage number we are looking for is garage three" Banner unnecessarily reminded the both of them. The duo slowly made their way farther keeping an eye on the numbers. Who in the world numbered these garages? Garage number two was beside number eleven and garage number four was beside number eight. All these numbers seemed to not go in any actual order, making it harder to find Number Three.

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