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Hello! To all of you wonderful people!
I am not dead! And I'm still continuing with this story, but I wanted to say that the next chapter may take a bit. This is because of a few things.
One, school. School has been going in for...a month now for me, I believe. It's been messing with my mental health...a lot lately. Which makes it hard to write in general at times. Two, burnt out! I am completely burnt out. Burnt out of what you ask? Burnt out of writing, more specifically, writing Marvel related fics...entirely. How did this happen? ...Good question...I don't know. ;D
I am not discontinuing this fic given I only have one-two more chapters to do and then BAM finished. But, just thought I should give you all an update, to show that I am still alive and that I am still gonna finish this up.
Anyway, I believe that is all, hopefully this is all.;D
With that being said, see you all when I write the next chapter.

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