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"You're not mad?" Banner tilted his head, confused. Stark looked at his friend, just as confused, but for a somewhat different reason. Mad? Mad for what? Did Stark need to be mad?

"Mad? Mad for what?" Stark asked, crossing his arms over his chest. Banner was wide eyed when he realized Stark still didn't know. The memory device only gave Stark back certain memories? Huh.

"I mean..."Bruce had to think of an excuse. " This device comes with side effects, and one of those side effects is mood swings." Bruce swore he sounded convincing, but he didn't. Stark wasn't convinced, but decided not to ask questions. He was just happy He got his memory back.

"Okay then" Stark responded, confusing. The man got up from his seat, stretching. "Lets go upstairs."

Stark and Banner went up the elevator to reveal two more kids in their living room. Both men tilted their head, rose eyebrows. "Uh..." Stark noticed Pepper in the dinning room. "Pep?" The two men walked over to the kitchen area, next to Pepper. "What are all these kids doing here?

  Pepper couldn't help but giggle a tad at her husband, who made it sound as if their was millions of children present. "These are Peter's friends, MJ and Ned" pepper explained. "I thought since he needed a distraction, we should invite some of his friends."

"Oh! Mr.Stark, this is Ned and Mary Jane. We call her MJ for short!" Peter said gesturing to his friends. Tony waves at them with one hand as he carried Peter in the other.

Stark blinked rapidly, not knowing what he just saw. Both adults looked at Stark, confused by the blinking. "Uh.." Stark responded. "Um..okay." Stark decided to avoid the random memory that just interrupted his thoughts by walking up to the children. "Hi" Stark spoke up, gaining the attention of the three children.

"Hi, Mister Stark!" Peter said, sounding more enthusiastic and happy then he did before. Stark gave the boy, who he now knew more of, a soft smile, ruffling the child's hair. The other two, one girl and one boy, stared at Stark. Ned looking as if he saw a ghost, a friendly ghost. Mj just waiting to know when to talk.

"Hey, kiddo" Stark responded, seemingly more happy himself. The man looked at the two other children looking at him. Stark couldn't help but let a tiny giggle escape his lips. "Hey, I'm Tony Stark" Tony introduced himself, even though the man doesn't need no introduction. "You most be ned?" The man pointed at the boy on the right side of Peter. "And you must be Mj." He pointed at the girl on the left side of Peter.

The two just nodded as Peter sat there, smiling. Stark looked at the children, awkwardly, not knowing what else to say. The three kids soon went back to playing, and Stark walked over to the couch, sitting beside Banner. "So...what was that?" Banner asked, eyebrow rose. Stark looked over at his friend, utterly confused.

"What was what?" Stark asked, tilting his head.

"The blinking?" Banner answered. "You were silent for a second and then started blinking rapidly."  He did? Stark didn't even notice that he had done so.

"I did?" Stark asked, raising an eyebrow. "I mean...I didn't have this random memory when Pep told me the friends of Peter's friends. Is that normal?" This question made banner freeze. Not every memory came back to him immdiantly. Just a few. Realizing this made Banner internally freak out, but fortunately, not in a way to make him "hulk" out.

"Yeah" Banner said, his nervousness hinted within his tone. "Thats...that's normal." He's gonna get mad. Well maybe if no one hints anything, the memory won't come back to him.

Tony nodded his head, ignoring the nervous tone his friend had.


It's been six hours of struggling, slapping, and yelling for May. Her wrist hurting from all the struggling of getting out of her restraints. She decided to stay quiet, and has succeeded in doing so for two hours. Her cheeks showing hints of soon future bruising and pain. Donnlley has come and go for six hours, probably seeing if Price had come back yet.

Man of Iron *HIATUS*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant