
1.7K 58 19

Warnings: cringe kinda writing

Shots could be heard from Queen's local police station. A man with a half-loaded Colt M1911 came out of the dead silent building, a woman running towards him. After half a mile of walking in the cold rain, the two went into a van, that had obviously been stolen, and has seen better days with all the dents and scratches the van had, but the van camouflaged with the night, so no one noticed.

The woman, instead of sitting in the front, she sat in the back, throwing the firearms they had in the front with the driver. "You okay back there, Donnelley?" The man asked, looking at his mirror.

"Yes," Janet Donnelley responded, sounding somewhat aggravated despite the fact that Price helped her broke out of jail. "Just drive!"

"Okay, Okay" William whispered. "Someone's being extra cranky tonight."

The man soon drove off, after one spin of the wheel.


In the Parker's household, Peter was already up, and ready before his aunt. His breathing heavy-like. The boy kept coloring in his coloring back that he got for his birthday, but instead of coloring in the lines like usual, he colored everything in black, ignoring the lines.

The truth was Peter had a nightmare. A reacquiring nightmare that has been happening for the past few nights, and he doesn't know why.

He always woke in a sweat before anything could get worse, his whole body always shaking and aching. He didn't quite know why he felt physical pain after his nightmares, but he didn't ask for help. May doesn't even know about the nightmares, so she could never know about the pains. Or she may freak!

May walked into the living room, coffee in hand. She was about to head to the couch when she jumped in surprise. "Whoa!" She said. "You scared me there, Peter. How long have you been up."

Peter shrugged, not making any eye contact with his aunt, staring at his, now, black page. May went to the coffee machine, brewing up some more coffee, ignoring her nephew's weird-ish behavior, since it was six in the morning.

"Hey Pete, will you go make your bed for me?" May asked.

The boy silently got up and went to his room to do so. May smiled at Peter's obedience, not that this wasn't normal. Peter was raised in a nice family that teaches him right from wrong at an early age, only because he seemed to understand right from wrong at an early age.

May sat down on the couch, glancing at Peter's activity he was just doing. May noticed the whole coloring page was black, and words written in red crayons made May get creeped out.

Slowly, she grabbed the remote control, turning the channel to the news, leaning back. "-and back to Chad" the tv scene changed immediately to a man in his working uniform. "Thank you Jancy," he said, looking at his script, stacking them in order, before looking back at the camera.

"Last night, a break out happened" he started. "A lady that goes by the name "Janet Donnelley" broke out of Queen's local prison, last night. The witnesses that were just injured, severely, said that a man, Unidentified, helped her break out. All I have to say is, if you see this woman-"

A picture of a woman's prison picture popped up on the right side of the man. "Then please call the police."

May's eyes widened at this new info, before turning her head to notice Peter. "Peter?" Ma said, sounding surprised, turning the tv off. "How long have you've been standing there?"

Peter shrugged. "Like, a second?" Peter said, raising an eyebrow. May chuckled nervously. "Okay, what do you want for breakfast?" She Asked. Once again, the boy shrugged. "A bagel I guess" He responded. May nodded before cooking up two bagels for Peter, and one bagel for her.

"Okay Peter, in the car" May said politely.

The boy jumped down the chair, walking down the halls, out the door, and to the car with May by his side.


A/N: I'm back! And with the my cringe writing.

I'm sorry for the long wait for this chapter. I didn't mean for this to take long. I'm sorry.

But I do wanna say thank you all for your patience and understanding. I really appreciate it.

Again, really sorry. And also sorry for this chapter being awful, it was rushed, and I couldn't think...properly...? Idk.

But again thank you for your understanding and patience.

I love all you three thousand!(Yes, I said it. Haha)



What do you think Peter wrote in red crayon?

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