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Another sleepless night passed for May has she looked over at her unconscious friends. They stayed knocked out for a while, and they can sake up at anytime. May's thoughts were focused on her nephew. She hasn't seen her nephew for a while now, and despite the voicemail she sent, she was extremely worried. She knew Stark didn't remember Peter or her, and he gets probably alot of voicemails a day. It was clear to May now that it was more unlikely than likely that Peter was with an adult right now.

Price claimed the kids weren't in the hotel. Maybe they hid once they notice Price. They children, only age nine, not even a tween yet, was alone with no adult supervision. Yes, the kids were proven to be mature for their age, that wasn't the problem. Ever since the "incident' with Donnlley, May and the others decided having them stay alone wasn't the safest option.

Anxiety started building in the woman has she heard footsteps coming her way. Donnlley and Price took turns spendin the night in this house-sized garage, probably to make sure the hostages don't escape. Kinda hard to escape with these tight ropes. Price came out of the dark all way, May's eyes following his every move. She still couldn't believe William Price was with Janet, but he also could. Price was always someone to hold some sort of grudge against someone, especially if he didn't know the full story. What he blamed Peter for was something he doesn't know the whole story to, despite himself being there.

William poured himself a cold glass of water in a glass, glancing over at the only conscious woman in the room right now. "Glancing and glaring isn't gonna hurt me" Will took a sip out of his drink, leaning against the counter. May wanted to curse at him, she wanted to also kill him, but she decided against that.

"You are disgusting, William" May spoke up, her voice sounding scratchy from the lack of sleep and water. "Peter is a child. Actually, he was three years old when what happened happened. You know he was just as confused as you and me. He couldn't do anything, so you blaming a child is screwed up." William was somewhat surprised the woman spoke at all. He genuinely thought she was just gonna stare.

Will placed his glass on the counter, walking towards May. "I don't exactly blame your nephew for not doing anything. Oh, no. That's not what I blame him for" William replied, a false smile appearing on his lips. "I blame him cause he's the reasons those men were there. He's the reason those men were there and they took his life!"

"Yes, they did! And yes they were there for Peter!" May snapped back. "But Peter wasn't the one that told him to sarcrafice himself for his own nephew. No one was except him. Not just how own nephew, but mine. And not just my nephew, but yours! You forget that Peter's your nephew has well has mine and Ben's."

Will pulled a chair to sit in front of May.  A sigh escaped his lips. "First, never speak of my brother and his name again. Second, Peter is not my nephew. At least not anymore" Price responded, trying to seem calm. May opened her mouth, wanting to speak, when a groan echoed throughout the room. Both looked over to the right side of May to see one of the unconscious adults slowly coming to. "I need to go back in my room. And wait for Donnlley." Price got up, and fetched his drink before walking to his room. In some ways, May felt bad for Price. He lost a family member and was there to hear the shots that were fired. May sighed before looking back over to her friend, who was not all the way conscious, but was getting there.


Sleepless nights wasnt unusual in the tower. All the avengers had at least one sleepless night, but Tony had the most. It was currently seven in the morning, and Stark couldn't go to sleep. He was down in the lab while the two children were upstairs watching tv and playing.

He looked up at the ceiling. Memories coming back to him left and right, and he hardly had time to process it all. What he got out of this was he for some reason had to babysit this Peter kid when he was still a toddler. He had to take the child to a daycare with a teacher, last name(presumably) Donnlley, the child also had spider powers, his friends also have powers, and this May chick didn't trust Stark up on top now, at least.

That's all he got from the amount of time he was able to process this sudden and new information. This, though, didn't make it much easier to find out who kidnapped May. The only unfamiliar person and voice was that teacher, but who would hire a kidnapper has a teacher? Just, who? Stark glanced at his computer with a rose eyebrow. Despite doubting it would be a kindergartener teacher, he had to at least research in this woman.

The man rolled his rolling chair over to his computer desk, typing fast. 'Donnlley, kindergarten daycare teacher' was what he typed. He didn't know the teacher's first name, so he had to go on what he knew. The first few things that popped up wasn't useful and helpful in this case, that was until he found an article.

He typed on it, and read it. 'A woman that goes by the name of Donnlley was sentenced for five years when she was found to expirement on the kids, who were proven to be mutants, who she taught. Unfortunately, on August 23, 2010 Where their was a jail break. The police found all but one prisoner, which is Donnlley.'

This was alarming to Stark, but a smile was found on his face. No, he wasn't happy that this chick experimented om these children, who were unwilling with it. He was smiling cause he now knew who kidnapped May, and possibly May's parents. This made the man happy. He could get Peter's aunt.

Now all he needed to know was where is she now? And where is she hiding May?

Hello! I didn't Think I was gonna post a chapter for another week or so cause my motivation for this story dropped fast, but somewhat came back fast also. Has anyone else tell someone you lost interest or motivation in something(cause you have, like you're not lying) but than the next day or so, you end up being hit was being interested or motivation for said thing again? Cause that's me. Almost all the time.

Maybe I need to say I have no motivation to do something all the time so I will the next day. ;D

1. Now, do you know why William 'hates' Peter?
2. Despite this probably being answered on this chapter, who do you think May and William was talking about(they mostly referred to him as "him")
3. What do you believe will happen next?

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Man of Iron *HIATUS*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz