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Pepper kept her eyes on the closed bedroom door. The bedroom where the young nine year old went after being excused. He didn't even eat his breakfast.  Of course, this wasn't surprising given the fact the kid has lost the only biological family member, but hopefully they can find his aunt, and hopefully alive.

After washing the dishes and her hands, Pepper let out a sigh, deciding to check up on Peter, not liking the unnerving silence. Pepper walked slowly to the bedroom has if she expected something bad to be behind the door. After a few quick breathes to calm her down, she opened the door to see Peter somewhat playing with the toys that he probably brought along with him.

The woman watched with a soft, weak smile, leaning on the open door way. Peter was laying on his stomach, playing with several of his action figures. He didn't seem energetic when he did so though, like he usual was. Pepper at first didn't know what to do. She has already allowed him to have some space away from all the adults. From what she has been told, she needs to allow the child to have his or her's space and then calmly talk with them.

He has been given 20 minutes, probably more, for space. After thinking, Pepper walked further in the room, slowly. Her footsteps had grabbed the young one's attention. Peter stared at Potts, his eyes sparkling from the sun shining in the window and from the water he held in his eyes. Pepper smiled weakly at the kid while making her way over to the bed Pete had woke up in.

She patted a spot next to her, pretty much asking Peter to sit with her. Hestantly and slowly, Peter jumped on the bed, sitting next to Pepper. Unnerving silence entered the room, making Peter's leg bounce, despite he's legs not touching the ground completely.  

"So..." Pepper started. "Peter, you Okay?" Peter looked up at the woman, not knowing how to answer that. Potts internally scolded herself, knowing that was a stupid question to ask. He was clearly not okay, and she knew why, so why ask?

"Not...Not really" the kid finally admitted, a tear running down his cheek. The first thing Pepper did almost instantly was gently rub the kid's back. She didn't know what to really do next. She knew this kid needed to let out more of his emotions and talk about what's wrong, but she didnt know how to ask.

"What's wrong?" She asked, simply. Peter rested his head on the palm of his head, looking at Pepper, looking completely drained. Pepper knew it was a dumb question. She knew what was wrong, she just didn't know what else to ask.

The woman heard Peter let out a sigh. "Just..." Peter started, struggling to find the words he needed to answer. "I'm just scared...for my Aunt may." Pepper watched has the kid sniffed and wiped his eyes so they could stop watering for a second. "She could be dead somewhere" the kid added."or could be getting tortured."

Pepper rubbed his back still, a small frown appearing on top of her face. "Or, she could still be alive, and nothing happening" Pepper added to the boy's lists. This made the boy's eyebrow raise, confused. How could someone kidnap another and not torture them at least? "She could be scaring of the bad guys to where they back off. And all the police have to do is find her." It was easy to see Pepper was trying to give this nine year old hope.

Potts watched has the child processed the thought. Peter wanted to believe such a thing, but it didn't make any sense. May has to at least be injuries. Despite thinking this made no sense, the boy smiled weakly. He wanted to believe it, so he did. "You really think she's okay?" Peter asked, brightening up.

Pepper smiled at the boy, gently ruffling his hair. "Of course" Pepper replied. "She's a strong woman. She can take care of herself." Peter's smile grew more as he wiped the last of his tears away. "Y'know, I met your aunt May" Pepper added. Don't tell him how. "Yeah, she was a strong woman."

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