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Peter was awoken by the red, blue flashing lights blinking off and on outside his window. He sleepingly walked over to his window, getting on his tip-toes to figure out the noises and colors were coming from multiple police cars, causing Peter to widen his eyes. They were at the same building he lives in. Peter ran out his room and into the living room has fast has his little feet could carry him.

Entering the living room, he noticed strangers in his house. Covering certain things up with plastic. Peter tried his best to be sneaky while going in the kitchen, crouching. Once noticing strangers were also in the kitchen, Peter hid under the table, not noticing his new ball position.

When he enter the kitchen, the nine year old did in fact reconize the uniforms of the 'trespassers.' The were the police. Probably the same police who were the owners of the cars. After finding a way to go back to the hall his room was is, he crawled his way into the hall, got up from his recent position, and ran to his aunt's room.

"Aunt May! Aunt May!" The kid whispered-yelled.

Peter searched everywhere for his aunt, but she was nowhere to be found.  He jumped onto her king sized bed, searching for her, but nothing. Not one trace of his aunt. Peter felt fear raise in him. Were the police there because of his aunt? Was his aunt actually missing? What if something happened to her?! The thought of something bad happening to his aunt scared the crap out of him.

"I heard something! There may be something in this room!" Peter heard a man spoke, the doorknob shaking.

Someone was coming!

Peter hid himself under the covers, not doing a great job. The man came in, both flashlight and gun in hand. He brought a gun! A gun! "Hello?!" The man called out. "Anyone here?" Peter held his breath, trying his best not to be seen.  The man walked further in the room, checking May's bathroom, closet, all. After ten minutes of examining the bathroom and closet, and drawers, there was only one place to check.

Peter closed his eyes tight has he heard the footsteps coming closer to his hiding spot.  This could be the end. Peter felt has the man grabbed the cover he was under, and yanked it off the bed, revealing Peter who was back in his ball position. The man was wide eyed when seeing this young child, scared out of his mind.

The man put away his gun, and turned off his flashlight, making sure not to blind the kid if he ever opens his eyes. "Hey kid" the policeman spoke. The young kid wanted to just get this man with one of his spider webs, but didn't wanna cause any trouble. The boy rose his hands in surrender. "Please don't hurt me, sir" Peter plead, his voice sounding weak.

"Oh, kid, I'm not gonna hurt you." He claimed. "I m a police officer. I do not wish to hurt anyone in less needed too." Peter slowly opened his eyes, looking directly at the officer who was in a crouch position beside him."why dont we take you outside?"


Tony felt himself dosing off to sleep while working. He tried to stay up, but failed everytime. It took his phone to ring loud enough to make the grown man jump, ending up onto the floor. "Ouch" he winced in pain before grabbing his phone from the desk. He noticed he had one more call and a voice message.

The number looked familiar but didn't look like one that was in his contacts. He tapped on it, making it play:

"Stark, I know you won't remember me. But I do. I'm May Parker. I can't say how you don't remember me and why you should. I don't have enough time. I just want you to know that I'm possibly in danger. Im asking to be safed by the avengers. I have cops tp help, but im gonna say if anything happens, i know they will call you. The cops. And-"

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