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"I feel really, really, reaaalllyyy drunk right now. Like...it's got me thinking about stuff 'ya know? Like important stuff. Like, why does the earth turn so slow? How do birds know that they should fly and not swim around like fish? What the fuck is the purpose of chickens and penguins if they can't fly?-"

"Danny, you are talking a whole lot right now and I barely understand." Ashley told him honestly. They slumped onto the couch, Danny laying on his back while being upside down with Ashley laying on his stomach. "Also, do you have something against chickens and penguins? You seem kinda bothered."

"I am bothered!" Danny yelled for no particular reason other than he felt like doing so. "Dude-"


"Think about it dude. Chickens turn into nuggets, and penguins...do penguins turn into nuggets? Is that a crime or something, or can you turn penguins into nuggets? Like...some sort of penguin nugget."

Ashley was just about to respond before her door knocked. Pushing her drunken self off of Danny and the couch, she stumbled to the door and opened it to be met with Marco and Jack. "Jack didn't wanna be in his hotel room, so he crashed mine, but he didn't want to be there either so we're crashing yours." Marco explained but it came out slurred, he pushed Jack inside and waddled in after him.

"Nuh-uhhhhh that's not the fuuulllll story." Jack complained. "We went to Tommy's room before yours and guess what! They were having sex! Like they were reaaaalllyy going at it. It was like something off of pornhub or something I swear!"

Marco nodded in confirmation.

Danny bursted out into laughter from the couch and Ashley cringed at how loud he was, "Shhhhhh!"

"Oops, sorry! I'm sorry Ash! Forgive me, please!"

"I forgive you Danny! I love you!"

"Not you Marco! Fuck off!" He pushed Marco off of him, and for revenge Marco flipped Danny off of the couch causing the man to fall to the floor with a loud thud. Jack laughed before going to help him but Danny instead pulled Jack onto the floor with him.

Marco and Ashley laid on the couch, "Psssttttt, Ashleeeyyyy." Marco whispered, cupping his hand to her ear, "I think those two are fucking."

"Oh." Ashley responded before giggling.

After a lot of drunken babbling, Marco and Ashley fall asleep which gave Jack and Daniel the perfect opportunity to sneak out.  The two have been nearly "sober", or had drunken way to much juice and ate way to many crackers, for nearly an hour before finally leaving Ashley's hotel room to return to the one Daniel was originally going to stay in.

As the boys left the room, Ashley sat up quickly. She figured they would leave.

Moving poor Marco over and putting a blanket on him, Ashley quietly went to the door and left with a key card in hand.

She needed to ask Gabriel something before they went to bed. She prayed that he wasn't asleep yet.

Running down the hall to where Tommy brought Gabriel because he has somehow become a little drunk with them all after hours is coaxing him into it: Ashley stopped at the door. Still dizzy from running, she quickly knocked on the door out of breath.

When he answered shirtless, Ashley only could stare for a brief moment at his chest and shoulder tattoo on the left side of him before she remembered she was and what she was doing.


"Hi. I...neeeeded to ask you somtings..." talking out of breath a bit and leaning against the door, Ashley smiled through the breathless ness as Gabriel stared at her.

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